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Portable SeaMonkey

Posted: Fri 14 Feb 2014, 14:21
by shinobar
Also available
Google Chrome Portable -->
Portable Firefox -->
Portable Thunderbird -->

seamonkey-portable-0.5.tar.gz (2014-07-26)

Most of the Puppy has the SeaMonkey built-in. But you may want up-to-date or want to install its localized version. Your pupsave is used for the new installation. Anyway, the cash and the downloading internet files may consume your pupsave.

The Portable SeaMonkey holds the SeaMonkey code, its settings, cache and downloads in the same 'seamonkey-portable' folder, so that they are free from the 'Puppy space' and not limited by the pupsave size.

If you have multiple Puppies installed on your PC, you can run the Portable SeaMonkey with the same bookmarks and settings.

Tested on Precise-571JP. May works with most of Puppy 5.x. Some Puppy need dbus and dbus-glib to run seamonkey official build.

Posted: Fri 14 Feb 2014, 17:03
by seetravel
Works like charm.
Thank you.
Can this be done for Seamonkey too ?
Thank you very much Shinobar.
May be i did something wrong,but i got strange result and had
to download it manually.

Re: Download URL not found

Posted: Sat 15 Feb 2014, 00:09
by shinobar
seetravel wrote:i got strange result and had
to download it manually.
Thank you for testing.
What is your locale and what language did you selected?
What is the result when typing 'echo $LANG'.

Posted: Sun 16 Feb 2014, 14:06
by seetravel
Sorry to be so late.

download fails

Posted: Mon 17 Feb 2014, 12:36
by shinobar
@seetravel and to all

Thanks for the report.
Confirmed the bug in the v.0.1.
Please wait for the next release.


Posted: Tue 18 Feb 2014, 05:03
by shinobar
UPDATE: seamonkey-portable-0.2.tar.gz
Fix was download failed in meny locale.

Portable SM

Posted: Tue 18 Feb 2014, 09:11
by seetravel
Works fine.Thanks.
One last question Shinobar.
Most of my programs are placed on a locked SDHC.
I prefer that so nothing can be written.
If i do my settings on Seamonkey and set cashe on /root/.cashe
without changing anythink else can i place it on that card too and lock it ?
Will that reflect on speed of Seamonkey ?

Re: Portable SM on a locked SDHC.

Posted: Tue 18 Feb 2014, 22:54
by shinobar
seetravel wrote:Most of my programs are placed on a locked SDHC.
I prefer that so nothing can be written.
If i do my settings on Seamonkey and set cashe on /root/.cashe
without changing anythink else can i place it on that card too and lock it ?
No, you cannot. The Seamonkey requires its config directory writable.


Posted: Sun 09 Mar 2014, 07:50
by shinobar
#2014-03-09 v0.3: fix was too much time to search old bookmarks

Posted: Sun 09 Mar 2014, 21:48
by musher0
Hello, shinobar.

Have you tested this one for speed? I ask because a lot of people, including BK, think
SeaMonkey has become a slowpoke.

IMO, the fastest recent SeaMonkey is the one in dejan555's dpup-4.86. Why?
Because it's located in /lib, not /usr/lib, and not outside the puppy sfs, like in /mnt/home.

Maybe it's just me (however I doubt it since I did speed tests with an updated spm2
[originally by aragon]), but this is what I observed:

the further away a program is from /, the slower it gets. It doesn't really matter with a
single smallish file, but if you have a big program dependent on various support libraries
and utilities to do its job (such as SeaMonkey), the milli-seconds spent going back and
forth from the main calling program to its support utilities on disk, and back, add up and
are noticeable by the user, they do count in the end.

Just a thought.

Best regards, and of course congratulations on all that you've done and that you're
still doing for the Puppy.




Posted: Mon 31 Mar 2014, 22:24
by shinobar
seamonkey-portable-0.4.tar.gz (2014-03-31)

#2014-03-31 v0.4: fix was download failed, import mail, allow over network(experimental)

Posted: Sat 03 May 2014, 19:49
by slavvo67
Hello Shinobar:

The browser is working fine but I'm not sure about the menu entries working properly. In that regard, the menu items do not launch the HTML Editor or mail. Is there a way to launch via terminal for this?



menu entries

Posted: Sat 03 May 2014, 23:21
by shinobar
slavvo67 wrote:The browser is working fine but I'm not sure about the menu entries working properly. In that regard, the menu items do not launch the HTML Editor or mail. Is there a way to launch via terminal for this?
Have you registered the seamonkey-portable? See the DOCUMENT

V. Using on another Puppy
To register on the new Puppy, right click the seamonkey-portable folder and select 'Register on the Puppy' if you want to. Or click the executable 'Register' in the folder.

Then, type 'seamonkey-portable -edit' or 'seamonkey -mail' on a terminal.

Posted: Sun 04 May 2014, 02:03
by Shep
Just as I was about to download your portable Seamonkey, I realized that it is probably not applicable to me. :( :(

I boot Puppy from a CD, so have a large savefile on the hard drive. (Large, because I saw no option but to keep inflating it each time puppy complained that there was not much room left, yet I'm not installing anything extra or saving movies. Image )

So there is no benefit to me in this case? BUT, would portable Seamonkey install and run okay if I did try to install it?

Excuses, excuses: I have been merrily using a particular Puppy for a couple of years, updating only Firefox from time to time, so I've become a bit vague on the finer details of puppy linux. :oops: Mind you, I'm a staunch advocate of this snappy little distro at any speaking opportunity that presents itself! :D

Posted: Sun 04 May 2014, 03:01
by slavvo67

I can confirm that I registered Seamonkey (0.4) on my Puppy (Fluxbox) and I have received "dead" menu entries. The applications do work in terminal.

I reviewed the .desktop entries under usr/share/applications and I believe that I have identified the issue.

Under the Desktop Entry the entries on the 3rd line down have:

Name=seamonkey (portable) Composer HTML Editor

The (portable) is causing some type of issue. The parenthesis maybe? I removed the "(portable)" from both the HTML editor .desktop file and the Mail .desktop file and now they are working properly. The same with the Seamonkey browser Menu Entry. I'm not sure about the 4th menu entry.

I do not know if this is only a Fluxpup issue or not. Fluxpup has a wbar up on top that might be causing the issue.

Any thoughts on this? Note: The Firefox portable has a similar issue. The Menu entry reads exactly as: firefox(portable with the "(" in the middle.

The portable Chrome did not have this issue and created a working Menu entry.

I would also like to thank you for these interesting portable packages. They are pretty amazing.



Posted: Mon 05 May 2014, 22:38
by slavvo67

The interesting thing about these portable browsers is they can be carried on a USB and in theory, attached to any puppy. So if you run 5 different live puppies, you can USB the browser and either (1) click the Icon in the USB file to launch or (2) Use the right click to register the portable browser into your puppy's menu. Of course, you would need to do this each time if you're running live.

Also, if you're running with a USB or install, you can still remove menu entries with the Puppy Package Manager (it shows up there).

As you can see from my post above, I had a few small issues with the right click "register with your puppy" but this might only be in my version of puppy. Don't know for sure.

Shinobar: I would love it if you could look into those register issues but I realize there are much more pressing items. Either way, thanks for the nice portable browsers.

Posted: Mon 05 May 2014, 23:13
by 8-bit
What is different from Seamonkey Portable and the way I use it with different Pups booted?
I move the hidden /root/.mozilla directory to /mnt/home and then system link to it from root.
In each version of Puppy, I rename the hidden mozilla directory and create a system link to .mozilla on /mnt/home.
That way, all my bookmarks and associated passwords are available to all Puppies.
I could have similarly put the .mozilla directory on a flash drive and system linked to it there.
One could even use a start_Seamonkey script that would mount the flash drive, start seamonkey, and upon exiting seamonkey, umount the flash drive.

Posted: Tue 06 May 2014, 01:23
by slavvo67
Well, the words "user-friendly" and "convenient" come to mind. I'm sure your way works somewhat similar but not all of us maintain this expertise nor have interest in taking these extra steps.

I was fine with the full installs but this is a nice addition. This is a well thought out application that I'm sure many users would appreciate.

Portable SeaMonkey 0.4

Posted: Thu 08 May 2014, 17:25
by TIW
Hi shinobar
I am unable to download my mail from my gmail account, however I do not have any problems in sending my mail. I have checked my settings but cannot find anything wrong. What can I do about it ?
Thanks for your help.

Posted: Sun 11 May 2014, 03:43
by slavvo67

Can I suggest using the portable Chrome?

