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Windows with transparent backgrounds

Posted: Mon 03 Mar 2014, 13:53
by ProgRob
For a project I am learning Genie. I want to create a window where the background is transparent but the widgets visible in it are opaque.

The problem I am having is that in Puppy Linux I cannot get a transparent background!

Here is my code:

Code: Select all


def on_expose (wid : Widget, event : Gdk.EventExpose) : bool
        // Get a cairo context for our window
        var ctx = Gdk.cairo_create (wid.window)
        // This should make the current color transparent (a = 0)
        ctx.set_source_rgba (1, 1, 1, 0)
        // Paint the entire window transparent to start with.
        ctx.set_operator (Cairo.Operator.SOURCE)
        ctx.paint ()
        // Draw circle
        var pat = new Cairo.Pattern.radial (75, 75, 20, 100,  100, 75)
        pat.add_color_stop_rgba (0, 1, 1, 1, 1)
        pat.add_color_stop_rgba (1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
        ctx.set_source (pat)
        ctx.arc (100, 100, 175, 0, 2 * 3.1416)
        ctx.fill ()
        return true

        Gtk.init (ref args)

        var window = new Gtk.Window
        window.title = "Demo window"
        window.set_default_size (200,200)
        window.app_paintable = true
        var cm = window.screen.get_rgba_colormap()
        window.destroy.connect (Gtk.main_quit)
        window.show_all ()
        Gtk.main ()
When I run this it shows a black background rather than a transparent one. I am running xcompmgr as well which makes non-active windows transparent so some kind of transparency is possible.

Can anyone guide me as to what I am doing wrong as I am pretty new to all this Cairo/GTK etc.?


Posted: Mon 03 Mar 2014, 17:49
by musher0
Hello, ProgRob.

I don't know anything about Genie. That said...

Your program may be showing the background, not the ROX backdrop, but the system
background, which is indeed black. Same thing happens in conky if you use the
"transparent", "own window" and "normal" settings. It is little known, but you can have
a "hierarchy" of backgrounds, which are used at different levels of the Linux system.

For example, if you try

Code: Select all

urxvt -bg sienna4 -fg cornsilk -bd firebrick4 -b 4 -tr -tint white -sh 67 -cr white
the "-tr -tint white -sh 67" settings will allow the ROX background to seep through, with
a shade of white. Not so with conky, because conky, when its "own window" is set to
"normal", is looking at the system background, not at the ROX background.

In your case, I believe that you may need to introduce your same background earlier,
in the .initrc code, through a program such as qiv. See attached illustration. For your
transparency to work, my hunch is that the picture called by qiv (line 107) should be the
same as the one used by ROX. Also, please note that the addition needs to go just
below the xsetroot call.

Again, I don't know anything about Genie, but I hope this helps. Keep us posted?



Posted: Mon 03 Mar 2014, 19:03
by Ted Dog
Thanks for clearing that up I wondered why a wallpaper mode for video playback has sound and no picture. video hidden behind rox background. Can we drop that or make it transparent¿

Posted: Mon 03 Mar 2014, 20:06
by musher0
Ted Dog wrote:Thanks for clearing that up I wondered why a wallpaper mode for video playback has sound and no picture. video hidden behind rox background. Can we drop that or make it transparent¿
Hi, Ted.

That sounds like a logical explanation, but I can't help you there: I know zero in video stuff.
I wouldn't know which layer the video playback uses.

Stick around though, somebody's bound to answer! :)



Posted: Mon 03 Mar 2014, 20:35
by Ted Dog
root or base layer. Had it working on v4 series and forgot about that until I tried it a week or so ago when I saw the settings in VLC and hunted it down for mplayer. both did the same...

Posted: Thu 06 Mar 2014, 15:37
by ProgRob
Thanks Musher for the advice. I agree with you that this is not a Genie question. I think this is more about understanding how GTK+ works on Puppy.

So, here is the result of my investigations so far and they are weird. Firstly some corrected code, though, as there was an error in the original.

Code: Select all

def on_expose (wid : Widget, event : Gdk.EventExpose) : bool
        var ctx = Gdk.cairo_create (wid.window)
        ctx.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 1, 0)
        ctx.set_operator (Cairo.Operator.SOURCE)
        ctx.paint ()
        var pat = new Cairo.Pattern.radial (75, 75, 20, 100,  100, 75)
        pat.add_color_stop_rgba (0, 1, 1, 0, 1)
        pat.add_color_stop_rgba (1, 1, 0, 0, 1)
        ctx.set_source (pat)
        ctx.arc (100, 100, 75, 0, 2 * 3.1416)
        ctx.fill ()
        return true

        Gtk.init (ref args)

        var window = new Gtk.Window()
        window.title = "Demo window"
        window.set_default_size (200,200)
        window.app_paintable = true
        var cm = window.screen.get_rgba_colormap()
        window.destroy.connect (Gtk.main_quit)
        window.show_all ()
        Gtk.main ()
So I have tried the following to see what is going on:

1. I modified the third line in the code above (set_source_rgba) so that the last parameter, the alpha value, was 1. This successfully painted the background a nice blue colour - this shows my code seems to be setting the background to something and that the alpha channel makes a difference.

2. I then set the alpha value on the same line to 0.5. The background became a darker blue - as if the black and blue were being merged. Exactly what you would expect if composition is taking place and the alpha channel was working but the background was black.

3. Next I switched off composition and switched off the Rox filer pinboard. This showed me a black background - exactly what Musher predicted

4. I then switched on xcompmgr and the background turned grey - this is really strange as this means that having composition switched on is affecting the black background beneath the Rox pinboard.

5. I then switched off xcompmgr and modified my .xinitrc file as suggested. Rebooting X gave me the same background as the Rox filer background (except without the icons). Again as expected.

6. I then switched on composition and the background turned grey (not a composited version of the background image but the same grey as in step 4). That I was not expecting.

7. Then I tried running my code - and it continued to give the same black background whether or not the pinboard was showing.

All of the above is very strange. Why does the image set with qiv disappear when composition is turned on? What is the black background being composited with to create the grey? And, why is my code still getting a black background even when I paint the background with an image?

One other oddity is that when I run xcompmgr and I have switched off the pinboard, if I move a window around I cannot see the outline of the window unless I move it over another window. The grey background seems to hide the outline.

Anyone got any further suggestions?
