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Slacko 5.7 Package Manager Missing?

Posted: Fri 11 Apr 2014, 15:09
by John51
I just frugal installed 5.7 NO PAE on an older Compaq NC 4400. Everything seems to work fine except when try to start the package manager nothing happens? MD5sum is good. Suggestions?
Thaks /John

Posted: Fri 11 Apr 2014, 15:18
by mavrothal
type "ppm" in the terminal, see what errors it might spit.

PPM missing in Slacko ?

Posted: Sat 12 Apr 2014, 03:22
by Pelo
PPM missing in slacko ? I had the same problem few minutes ago. PPM is well here, but does not execute any more.

Posted: Sat 12 Apr 2014, 03:49
by mavrothal
I see... :roll:
Next puppy will have a "special secret app" that as soon as someone posts in the forum another 3-words-bug ("Is not working"), will connect to a "developer's computer" so the developer can monitor what is happening in your machine that is not happening in his/her.
So "magically" will figure out why something tested extensively by him/her and many other users, is not working in your specific case.
Till the next puppy version however will be helpful to provide some more info other than "is not working".