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Puppy's dial-up script a dinosaur

Posted: Thu 26 Jun 2014, 11:55
by nic007
I have brought this up before. I use pupdial to connect to the internet with my cellphone modem. Even with pre-set settings it still takes about 20 seconds to connect. It's really annoying. Can someone re-write this thing to get with modern times? I mean, my Windows system which is 14 years old connects almost instantaneously

Posted: Thu 26 Jun 2014, 13:35
by musher0
Dinosaurs are nice: they remind whoever studies them of Earth's history.
Kids like them a lot, too. They used to have albums for sticking dinosaur
pictures in. ;)

Similarly, we should have albums to stick ancient PuppyLinux scripts in, to
show our grand-kids how Puppy evolved. ;)

Posted: Thu 26 Jun 2014, 15:24
by nic007
musher0 wrote:Dinosaurs are nice: they remind whoever studies them of Earth's history.
Kids like them a lot, too. They used to have albums for sticking dinosaur
pictures in. ;)

Similarly, we should have albums to stick ancient PuppyLinux scripts in, to
show our grand-kids how Puppy evolved. ;)
So we have to accept then that Puppy will always lag behind a dinosaur operating system like Windows XP in this regard even if it pretends to be a breath of fresh air? How disappointing. :cry:

Posted: Fri 27 Jun 2014, 17:20
by musher0
I apologize, nic007. I guess my intended joke came out as a mockery...

What I really mean is: It may difficult to upgrade that script, since Mr.
Kauler, the initiator of Puppy, has retired.

However, look for an update in the woof-CE repository: if it exists, it will
show up in the newer Puppies, such as Puppy Tahr and slacko 6.0-bĂȘta,
with a slightly different file size.

If it exists (again : if it exists), you may be able to "dig this script out"
of the newer distro and retrofit you own Puppy with it. I did this with the
new shutdownconfig script, and it worked like a charm.

If an upgrade does not exist, ask the contributors to woof-CE to come
up with one?

That's all I can suggest. I am not a specialist of Internet connections
and / or scripts, I just use them, like everybody else.

Best regards.


Posted: Sat 28 Jun 2014, 08:37
by nic007
musher0 wrote:I apologize, nic007. I guess my intended joke came out as a mockery...

What I really mean is: It may difficult to upgrade that script, since Mr.
Kauler, the initiator of Puppy, has retired.

However, look for an update in the woof-CE repository: if it exists, it will
show up in the newer Puppies, such as Puppy Tahr and slacko 6.0-bĂȘta,
with a slightly different file size.

If it exists (again : if it exists), you may be able to "dig this script out"
of the newer distro and retrofit you own Puppy with it. I did this with the
new shutdownconfig script, and it worked like a charm.

If an upgrade does not exist, ask the contributors to woof-CE to come
up with one?

That's all I can suggest. I am not a specialist of Internet connections
and / or scripts, I just use them, like everybody else.

Best regards.

No offence musher0. The last Wary Puppy was still the same as the old puppies in this regard so doubt if it has been revised.

Posted: Sat 28 Jun 2014, 11:47
by musher0
Hi, nic007.

No promises, but you may want to substitute this one for your old pupdial.
It's from the latest slacko-6.0_beta3, which means it came from the new
woof-CE repository. It has 4 k more than the pupdial I have on my
PuppyPrecise 5.4.3 (on this machine), so obviously something has been

Make sure you make a backup of your original clumsy pupdial first, in case
the new one does not work -- or work properly.

Best regards.
