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Help/suggestion for copy/paste enabled terminal program.

Posted: Thu 20 Jul 2006, 08:25
by jared

I have had need lately to go to the terminal :-)

I find that the Rxvt terminal emulator in puppy 2.01 does not seem to allow me to cut and paste in or out of it. Is there something I am missing or doing wrong?

If not, is there another terminal emulator which will allow me to copy/paste? I didn't see one listed on pupget.

Thanks for your consideration


Posted: Thu 20 Jul 2006, 08:45
by Billcnz
It uses different keys: shift + del for copy and shift + ins for paste.

Posted: Thu 20 Jul 2006, 09:01
by jared
Thank you so very much for that tip! And so it does.

Well now I can get back to work!

I'm interested though. Do you have any notion why in this case the creators of the program have moved away from convention. I for one am very leary of pressing a "delete" key for any other reason then to delete something. I have an almost instinctual hesitation to hit that key.


Posted: Thu 20 Jul 2006, 14:09
by BarryK
There's info about rxvt and the clipboard in the FAQ:

Drag over any text, release button, it is automatically in the clipboard.
If 3-button emulation is turned on for a 2-button mouse (see mouse wizard)
or you have a 3-button mouse, click middle button to paste from clipboard
(press both buttons simultaneously to emulate middle button for 2-button

Posted: Thu 20 Jul 2006, 14:58
by Flash
BarryK wrote:... Drag over any text, release button, it is automatically in the clipboard.
If 3-button emulation is turned on for a 2-button mouse (see mouse wizard)
or you have a 3-button mouse, click middle button to paste from clipboard
(press both buttons simultaneously to emulate middle button for 2-button
A weird thing happens when I copy with my middle mouse button in rxvt: a duplicate copy of what I've highlighted is added to the rxvt window. The text I've highlighted is copied correctly and the operation of rxvt does not seem to be affected. Could it be copying and pasting simultaneously?

My "mouse" is a Kensington "Expert Mouse" trackball with 4 buttons, one of which seems to serve the function in Linux of the middle button.

Posted: Thu 20 Jul 2006, 17:29
by jared
BarryK wrote:There's info about rxvt and the clipboard in the FAQ:

Drag over any text, release button, it is automatically in the clipboard.
Thanks, I get this now. Very handy...

Now if I can only get puppy to recognize the sound card in my head-set I will be off and running. Or should I say scrambling, or bounding, or whatever puppies do when they run :-)



Posted: Fri 21 Jul 2006, 00:51
by GuestToo
the standard Linux way of copying is to select the text with the LEFT mouse button ... the text is automatically placed in the clipboard

the standard Linux way of pasting is to click the MIDDLE mouse button

Posted: Fri 21 Jul 2006, 04:14
by Flash
Thanks G2, That explains what I thought was weird behavior. By highlighting (holding the left mouse button while dragging the cursor over text) I was actually copying to the clipboard. Then when I clicked the "middle" button what I had just copied was pasted. Rxvt doesn't replace text when pasting, so it added the pasted text to what I had highlighted.

Is this copy/paste info anywhere in Puppy, where a newcomer might reasonably be expected to see it when he or she starts using Puppy?