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Posted: Thu 02 Oct 2014, 15:00
by robwoj44
Desktop recorder with the sound using ffmpeg.

The dependencies:
QT from Puppy Package Manager

On test bench right now !

Posted: Sat 04 Oct 2014, 03:11
by Pelo
On test bench right now ! We shall give a chance to all new video apps, because Puppy has a life after install. Users use it , not only roots.
QT-libs needed, drec do without, sorry sir.
But i will try it on distro where QT already installed. i come back soon.
Dpup exprimo with sfs qt loaded on the fly
QFFCap out.mkv
Look as Xvidcap. well. we can choose capture area. But in this distro, something is missing >>> error.
# QFFCap
Unable to load library icui18n "Cannot load library icui18n: ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)"

ffconvert can record desktop,

Posted: Fri 08 Sep 2017, 14:53
by Pelo
ffconvert can record desktop, even only a window. Discovered to-day.
That is good...
as always someting bad, settings stay and cannot be reset. Until i am an idiot, which is possible, no shame for that.

QFFCap does not work. QffCap however can be installed by everybody, easily, that makes our devs happy. And me too.