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Andromium OS is announced

Posted: Wed 13 May 2015, 00:42
by don570
Andromium OS is announced... ... r-android/
a guest OS that run on top of Android, leveraging existing Android API's as well as a new UI library to bring a productivity keyboard/mouse desktop style user experience similar to Windows and OSX. Currently Android does not support a true multi-window experience, however some manufactures like LG and Samsung have made some modification to android (ROM) to bring the side by side apps and windows app experience for their devices. Andromium takes a similar approach, while Samsung and LG's approaches are exclusive to their devices, Andromium OS runs on any Android device as long as their device support Android version 4.4 and above. The next step for Andromium will be to release a Developer SDK and Andromium app store to the developer community, to grow the OS ecosystem.

Posted: Wed 13 May 2015, 23:05
by BarryK

This could tie in with what I am currently doing with my phone.

I have posted about Andromium on my blog, the latest post in my "traveling light" category:

It's going to be very interesting to see how this compares with Ubuntu Touch.

I am also speculating if this could be a way for us to easily get Puppy running on phones. That is, use Andromium, but with some puppification.
Dunno though, as Andromium is only partly open source.

Posted: Wed 13 May 2015, 23:19
by don570
Microsoft has a technology called 'Continuum' that there's pouring a lot of effort into.
A phone would plug into a big monitor.

However it requires special proprietary equipment,2817,2484130,00.asp

Posted: Thu 14 May 2015, 23:04
by don570
Barry Kauler has a review of Andromium OS on his blog(also useful links)

Andromium first impressions Posted on 14 May 2015, 8:03 by admin
I installed from here: ... dromium.os

Yes, interesting, but...

It is definitely only proof-of-concept. Nice traditional desktop, very tiny on the phone screen of course. Immediately I noticed un-desktop behaviour, such as no support for right-click, no support for mouse-over, such as tooltips. Curses, have to double-click desktop icons to run them.

My first impression is that Ubuntu Touch will have a better chance to succeed, as it is embracing convergence, that is, look good and be usable in a small screen as well as large. Ditto Windows 10.

Whereas, Andromium is unusable on a smartphone, and must have a larger screen connected.
Which basically ends my interest in it.

Android also is evolving to work well on larger screens, especially with multitasking windows.
Softmaker Office HD for Android is an example of a full-featured tradtional UI that can accommodate itself to a small phone screen and be quite usable, albeit with a pointer device.

I won't rule out Andromium though. It could evolve to be usable on phone screens. If it was open sourced, it could take off.

Posted: Thu 14 May 2015, 23:18
by don570
Curses, have to double-click desktop icons to run them.
This is the Mac operating system. For instance it allows allows
CMD-I to obtain information about the app which was important
when MULTIFINDER was introduced.

The developper told charbax about trouble with large apps like word processing.
When MULTIFINDER was introduced to the MAC operating system the amount of RAM
that the app used had to be told to operating system and the operating system
would parcel out the RAM that each app got .
There was strict adressing. There was no flexibility
as in a modern operating system like linux.


Posted: Fri 15 May 2015, 22:29
by slavvo67

You might want to look at Kingsoft Office on the Android. Very nice and free.



Posted: Sat 16 May 2015, 20:05
by don570
Kauler wrote:Anyone know of another Android paint editor that does posterize? I have not yet found one that will convert RGB to indexed colours (which is another technique for reducing file size).
There is no need for that feature since web designers would save the
file as GIF if they wanted less colors (256 or less).

I like Layer Paint. I don't know if the current version can posterize. ... aint&hl=en


Posted: Sat 16 May 2015, 20:37
by starhawk
Pastarize? I'd love to have that filter in GIMP :P Heck, I could probably be induced to learn real Photoshop if I could do that with it...

Not a typo. See image below.


Posted: Sat 16 May 2015, 20:51
by musher0
Again not to be confused with Pasteurization:
Now where is that tongue-in-cheek icon... :lol:
(Sorry, the forum doesn't process secure http URL's.)

Ok, people, recess is over. Back on subject, please!

Posted: Tue 02 Jun 2015, 18:06
by don570
Another video of Andromium OS by liliputing ... -like.html

Posted: Thu 04 Jun 2015, 02:19
by disciple
Just what we need - another new ui system. As if android wasn't annoying enough already with its own system. Give me a phone with a proper traditional GTK or QT based desktop, like in the old days with a pda.

Posted: Sat 06 Jun 2015, 15:27
by don570
If the SDK (software developer kit ) is successful then in a couple of years
users will be able to dump their old Android software and just use
Andromium software.


Posted: Sat 06 Jun 2015, 18:04
by don570
An alternative to Andromium OS is Remix OS by JIDE

It is shown to Charbax ... rtible-ui/

and it's available to buy at Amazon
