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Linphone 3.8.4-**

Posted: Sat 23 May 2015, 23:44
by OscarTalks
Please take a look at my latest Linphone builds.

Version 3.8.4 re-uploaded with DTLS media encryption enabled.
This is now in addition to SRTP and ZRTP
Version number is now 3.8.4
Dependency on libsoup for the account wizard has been removed so it is no longer included in the slacko package.
I have added the AMR-WB wideband audio codec to all builds and re-uploaded. Even though Linphone has a wonderful selection of other wide and narrow audio codecs I thought I would do this since it does have support for it. I have done a test of this codec and it sounds good to me. The plugin for this requires libvo-amrwbenc which is present in TahrPup but not in the other Pups so I have added it to the packages that need it.

Having used and tested this Linphone version for some days now it all appears to be working very well with no further bugs encountered. I am now happy to upgrade from 3.6.1 and I would urge others to give this magnificent little application a try. Still always take whatever precautions you consider appropriate though of course.
There was still a bug with the tray icon in the version 3.8.2-48 that I posted for a couple of days. This was still quite serious and caused lots of instability so I reported it to the developers and they reckon they have now fixed it. Version is now 3.8.2-(some higher number) and I have done builds for Slacko 5.7 and Wheezy and Precise and TahrPup which are now uploaded. I will be testing for a while and see how this one goes. Hopefully a few others will join in too.

Linphone 3.6.1 is still very good. When they went to 3.7.0 they made a major core change from eXosip to their own belle-sip which was not easy to get to grips with so I just left it for a while.

Recently they announced 3.8 which quickly moved up to 3.8.2 but there is a problem with the tarball of that so don't use it. I spent a very long time trying to figure it all out. Fixes have gone into the main trunk along with further development and the source code is downloaded from git as 3.8.4-(some number).

The belle-sip dependency (version is 1.4.1 which is the latest release as I write this) requires some unusual stuff from ANTLR, namely libantlr3c and antlr3 and you have to use jdk at build time though java is not needed to run Linphone in Linux once built.

This version supposedly has improved video resolution and full-screen options. It also has DTLS and SRTP and ZRTP and UPnP and pretty much all of the available extra codec plugins. The LDAP feature is also enabled, does anyone use this?

NOTE:- With some SIP providers (including the free service) you have the option to use TLS transport for the registration. The settings for this are within the "Manage SIP Accounts" tab of the Preferences GUI when you add or edit an account. To get TLS to work you may need to install the ca-certificates package (from my repo).

As always, treat it as EXPERIMENTAL and take all the usual precautions.

Posted: Tue 26 May 2015, 18:21
by stemsee
Did you upload it? Because I cannot find it only 3.6

Posted: Tue 26 May 2015, 22:40
by OscarTalks
Hello stemsee,

Sorry about that, turned out the version originally posted still had quite a serious bug so I took it (them) down for a few hours. Source code has now supposedly been fixed by the developers. I have uploaded some builds of the latest version and edited the first post. Seems much better on initial first tests so fingers crossed and we shall see how it goes.

Posted: Fri 05 Jun 2015, 18:22
by OscarTalks
All builds re-uploaded with the AMR-WB wideband audio codec added.
I have made a note of this in the first post.
If this is of interest to anyone, just uninstall any previous versions or builds and download and install the current one.
Look for the new codec in the "Codecs" tab of the Preferences GUI window.
It is disabled by default.

Posted: Fri 12 Jun 2015, 10:36
by OscarTalks
All builds of version 3.8.4 have been re-compiled and re-uploaded with DTLS media encryption enabled. I have tested this over LAN and it all appears to be working. This is in addition to the SRTP and ZRTP options which are still available. Look for this in the "Media encryption type" drop-down menu in the "Network settings" tab of the Preferences GUI.

Posted: Thu 13 Aug 2015, 21:48
by Mike Walsh
I decided to give this a try in Tahrpup. As far as I can tell, it's working, but.....despite trying over 50 'variations on a theme' for my username, according to the SetUp Assistant, every single one of them was 'already in use'.

So; somewhat discouraged, I've set it aside for now.....


Mike. :?

Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2015, 12:05
by OscarTalks

Do you mean you were using the Setup Assistant to create a free Linphone SIP account? If so and if you tried various usernames this could be a bug in the assistant. In fact you don't need the assistant and I haven't tested it much, certainly not for setting up new accounts because once you have one you don't need to keep creating more. You can do everything via the main GUI and preferences GUI.

You can create a Linphone SIP account via the website
This will look like ""

You don't need to use a Linphone SIP account though, there are many providers and Linphone works just as well with any of them. Some (eg offer free SIP to SIP calling and some (eg offer connection to normal phone numbers. In this case you get a free phone number, incoming calls are free (people calling you from their phone pay the rate for calling a normal landline) and outgoing calls to phones are optional and reasonably cheap.

The phone number SIP accounts can't be used for free SIP to SIP calling, but Linphone can register multiple SIP accounts so if you use 2 accounts then you have both types of functionality available to you.

Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2015, 16:51
by Mike Walsh
Hi, Oscar.

Yes, that's exactly what I was trying to do! When I opened Linphone, a window opened initially, and before I could see what it was about, it was immediately covered up by the main GUI appearing almost instantly afterwards. Out of curiosity, I uncovered the first window to find out what it was, discovered it was the Setup Assistant, and thought,'Well, it's as good a way as any to set an a/c up,' so.....

But every variation I could possibly dream up 'on a theme', as it were, insisted it was 'already in use'. I was at it for at least 20 minutes at a guess. I know there's a lot of people in this world, but I've never had so much trouble coming up with a unique username normally only takes me perhaps half a dozen tries, and I've cracked it, so yes; it could well be a bug in the assistant. Warrants investigating a wee bit further, I think.

Thanks for the info about creating an a/c on their website; I'll give that a go, and see if I get on any better! I'll let you know how it works out. Cheers.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Fri 14 Aug 2015, 17:10
by Mike Walsh
Well, that took all of about 2 minutes (once I modified my username NOT to include upper case letters). All sorted. At a guess, I'd say it's definitely a bug in the SetUp Assistant; I tried it again, and didn't have any more luck than I did before.

I also tried setting up an a/c on, but I got all sorts of warnings from my browsers about it not being safe.....apparently their SSL certificate ran out 296 days ago;'the site cannot prove that it is who it claims to be...', etc, etc. I'll go with the Linphone account for now.....see how I get on with that.

I have friends in the States with whom I Skype quite regularly, and to be honest, we're all getting rather fed-up with it. As the group's resident 'techie', I've been tasked with finding a workable alternative.....and with this being cross-platform, it should work with both the Windows & Macs that my friends use, so I'll let you know how things pan out.

One question; are the earlier & later versions of Linphone compatible with each other?


Mike. :)