Moving Full HD install of puppy to another PC.

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Moving Full HD install of puppy to another PC.

#1 Post by nutts4life »

It's been A long while since i've posted on these forums.

About 8 months ago i wrote two puplets, pupeez and eezos.

Since then i had to move house and it looks like i'm never going to get back to them!

But i have a problem:

I need to get rid of my PC that had the puplet development installation on them.

Than means I have two full installaions of puppy on two partitions.

So what do i do, I'm hoping these are my options. Are there any more?

1/ I create new partitions on my new PC, install all again and copy over /root dir. It will take ages!

2/ Some how make an iso out of the paritions and unpack into my new partition. But i assume on a new PC, i will need to remove some hardward config files.

3/ Make a vmware iso out of the paritions and run it as a virtual box on windows.

Is any of this easy? what other options do i have?



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#2 Post by Sage »

Mostly HDs with FULL installs of Puppy can just be physically transfered between machines with minimal trouble.
Then there's Clonezilla for part or whole disc transfer. There's also a little transfer utility that fits onto a single floppy (Mr Ota?) - a bit tricky but an expert could transfer discrete cylinders/tracks & co. Contact me if you need a copy of the latter.
Why not copy the partitions you require, one to each of a couple of old, small HDs? This may be sufficient for your needs or you can experiment further until you get the arrangement you wish?
Alternatively, copy the material you need onto a CD/DVD-RW and manipulate it appropriately.
With storage being so cheap and older HDs being discarded there's no reason even for developers of compact distros to dual boot anything. Indeed, a whole disc copy with Clonzilla is quicker and cheaper than a new DVD copy?
Glad your building work is finished and welcome back.
Hope I haven't misunderstood what you are asking?

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#3 Post by mikeb »

Dougals remaster script comes to mind but if you simply cloned/copied (when not running! using say the live cd) the install as is , since most hardware is detected on the fly, the only thing you may have to do is rerun the xorgwizard and possibly alsaconfig. If you do a file system copy then grub would need installing with the wizard to the new drive.

Its a lot lot easier than moving windows (though I've done that as well if you can get past changes in drive access)

hope that helps


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#4 Post by rjbrewer »

Most pcs' can use 2 hard drives with a master slave cable.
Hook old drive to slave connection and use Pudd to copy
old partitions to new ones on the new pc.

Inspiron 700m, Pent.M 1.6Ghz, 1Gb ram.
Msi Wind U100, N270 1.6>2.0Ghz, 1.5Gb ram.
Eeepc 8g 701, 900Mhz, 1Gb ram.
Full installs

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#5 Post by nutts4life »

those are the answers i needed.

Thanks guys.

I think i will do the following:

run dd to same the partition as an .img file. Then copy it a usb disk (a big one!)

dd if=/dev/sda3 of=/root/puppy1.img bs=1024

Then run qemu-img on the file and copy that to the usb disk.
qemu-img convert -f raw /root/puppy1.img -O vmdk /root/XPSP2.vmdk

This means i get a qemu file if i want to boot in windoze and a partition file for when i set up the new partition on whatever drive i have.

Like it?


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