Page 8 of 20

Posted: Fri 27 Jan 2017, 20:25
by frourio
Thanks Peebee.

That leads me to 3 more question though ;-)

1. How does Tahrpup do it then with the Ubuntu packages? (Is that because Tahrpup is a larger project and you're just a one-man-show?)

2. Is the Slacko 64 bit stable enough to run with as a main OS then?

3. How do Slacko and Ubuntu compare? Does one sacrifice on software if running a Slacko install? (Think I read once that Slackware is essentially a one-man-band, so you're kind of at the mercy of that guy? Could be confusing it with something else though.)

Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2017, 09:52
by peebee
frourio wrote:Thanks Peebee.

That leads me to 3 more question though ;-)

1. How does Tahrpup do it then with the Ubuntu packages? (Is that because Tahrpup is a larger project and you're just a one-man-show?)

2. Is the Slacko 64 bit stable enough to run with as a main OS then?

3. How do Slacko and Ubuntu compare? Does one sacrifice on software if running a Slacko install? (Think I read once that Slackware is essentially a one-man-band, so you're kind of at the mercy of that guy? Could be confusing it with something else though.)
1. LxPupTahr64 only ever appeared as an experiment in 10/2015 and had gvfs problems: ... 240#868240

2. I'm not the best to answer this as I don't run answer is to try it and see....frugal install tho!

3. Different repositories - different ethos (a Benign Dictator is often better than rule by Committee!) Also Ubuntu has gone down the systemd route which is an anathema to most Puppy-ists and can lead to dependency problems....a discussion better conducted on one of the more general threads....

Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2017, 20:01
by frourio
Thanks Peebee.

That makes me have more questions about Slacko, but yeah, let's just leave this thread relevant and I'll take them to another post.

LxPup64-17.05.0-uefi.iso (experimental)

Posted: Wed 17 May 2017, 11:13
by peebee

Re: LxPup64-17.05.0-uefi.iso (experimental)

Posted: Fri 19 May 2017, 10:52
by belham2
peebee wrote:LxPup64-17.05.0-uefi.iso has been uploaded - md5=04c1c60454b55beeaf8f0f31340c211f

This is a derivative of Slacko64-700-Beta3 (slacko64- with kernel 4.4.67

This iso is an experiment to see if LxPup64 can be built on top of Slacko64-7 and the iso will be replaced by 17.0x.1 once Slacko64-700 is released.

The iso is BIG mainly because Firefox and LibreOffice are included in the adrv

Wow, Peebee, what a difference this 4.4.67 kernel makes (in latest slacko64 it runs great, and in your lxpup64). At least on my older stuff. Thanks :)

Posted: Mon 05 Jun 2017, 16:56
by peebee

Derivative of slacko64-
Kernel 4.9.30
Firefox & LibreOffice

Posted: Tue 06 Jun 2017, 16:41
by belham2
peebee wrote:LxPup64-17.06.0-uefi.iso

Derivative of slacko64-
Kernel 4.9.30
Firefox & LibreOffice
Hi Peebee,

Finally got around this afternoon to upgrading to 17.06. Was a little nervous leaving the 4.4 kernel and going to this 4.9. but, my worries were for naught. Whatever Micko's (or whomever) has been doing with the kernel, the problems seem to have disappeared for my slightly older hardware. Thanks for putting this together.....I've found no problems, added redshift, dual monitors, pmcputemps, uextract, replaced FF with the better Opera, and added a few other things.....even managed to get Dreamchess running on it :D Now I just have to figure out how to get Iqpuzzle running (I think its a qt5 issue)----I guess I should just give compiling a go for IqPuzzle; is there a DEVX for the 17.## versions I can download? I looked but couldn't find it.....probably, though, my old eyes looked right past it. I'll search again tonight.

More people ought to give this LxPup64 a go...... in my opinion, you've got something really nice here :wink:

Posted: Tue 06 Jun 2017, 16:59
by norgo
belham2 wrote:.....probably, though, my old eyes looked right past it. I'll search again tonight.
don't forget to search in section "Games" :lol:

Bug---save2flash doesn't work

Posted: Tue 06 Jun 2017, 17:38
by belham2
Hi Peebee,

Well, just found out the hard way that the "save2flash" isn't working at all in 17.06 after the setting it up. To note, save2flash works in 17.05.

I think I remember Sailor E. mentioning this problem a few days ago, but I cannot remember which thread it was in. Anyways, I can confirm the bug exists and there's a problem.

Frugal install. LxPup64 lets you do whatever during this first boot up, then properly sets and saves that first pristine session (and whatever changes you made). But any subsequent boot and/or reboot, there's no save2flash function. Icon pops up, as usual on desktop, but if you click the desktop icon, only up pops the gtk dialog and that's it....there's no saving that occurs. It doesn't matter what pupsave mode you choose in Puppy Event Manager, save2flash doesn't work.

I'll see if I can find where Sailor E wrote about this in the past couple of days.

Not sure what to do to fix this. Anyone have any ideas?

Posted: Tue 06 Jun 2017, 18:05
by belham2
Hi Peebee,

Just following up on the bug: Sailor E had reported it, and said it was just fixed (commit 5296) in woof-CE. See Sailor's comment here: ... 833#956833

Solution to pupsave problem ment# above

Posted: Tue 06 Jun 2017, 19:29
by belham2
Following up again to the pupsave problem, here's a fairly easy solution (for the frugal install gang) until Peebee releases the next version & this gets fixed:

1) Bootup any other pup (hopefully another frugal installed pup that's along side your LxPup64)

2) click on your downloaded LxPup64-17.06 ISO (wherever it is)

3) Copy the "puppy_lxpup64_17.06.sfs" to some newly created folder so you can work on it easily.

4) In this new folder, open a terminal

5) Type in the terminal:

unsquashfs puppy_lxpup64_17.06.sfs

6) let things run until the terminal is finished unsquashing it. A "squash-root" folder is created with all the puppy_lxpup64_17.06.sfs's contents.

7) In this "squash-root" folder, go to the 'snapmergepuppy' script (it's in /usr/sbin, if I recall correctly)

8) Make the changes in this snapmergepuppy according to Gyro's instructions here: ... 708#956708

9) Save the changes made

10) Now open a terminal again. Type in:

mksquashfs squashfs-root/ 'new.sfs' -all-root -noappend -comp xz

11) Let things run as you'll watch in terminal things are re-squashed into a new.sfs file using xz compression.

12) When it's done, take this new.sfs and copy it over to your original frugal install folder of LxPup64

13) Now right-click the original name of "puppy_lxpup64_17.06.sfs" and copy it. Then delete it.

14) Apply this copied new name to the "new.sfs", so it looks just like the old and is named like it.

15) Voila', you're finished. Shutdown the current pup you're in. and boot LxPup64 back up, and all save2flash functions are working 100% again.

Hope this helps anyone.

Posted: Wed 07 Jun 2017, 06:11
by peebee

Posted: Wed 07 Jun 2017, 06:29
by peebee
A simpler way to fix the snapmergepuppy update until 01micko updates slacko64 is a ydrv - attached - remove false .gz

Posted: Wed 07 Jun 2017, 15:42
by belham2
Hi Peebee,

Two things:

1) Rox won't launch, up pops a dialog box saying "invalid .....rox-filer-manager.desktop". Rox launches fine from /usr/local/apps/Rox-Filer folder, so I looked closely at the .desktop file, and for the "EXEC=" line, all it had was "rox". So I changed it to "EXEC=roxfiler", and it solved the problem.

2) Also, can you tell me how to get my partitions to show up on the desktop? Take a look at this pic: no matter what I set things to, the partitions of the USB drive (of which there are four) will not show up on the LXDE desktop. Here's a pic with the vacant section below the 'Desktop Preferences" popup where the partitions should be (bottom-left):


Posted: Thu 08 Jun 2017, 16:21
by peebee
Updated 14-jun-2017

Delta to LxPup64-17.06.0b - iso md5=efa65074a4f487a9fef7d37f13d3f3b2

Derivative of slacko64-

Fixes rox app.

@Belham2 - drives will appear on desktop if option is ticked in Desktop Preferences -> Desktop Icons, but only after they have been mounted in pcmanfm or pmount.... see screenie

Posted: Wed 14 Jun 2017, 08:28
by peebee
see above

Posted: Sun 18 Jun 2017, 11:49
by belham2
Hi Peebee,

What would be the difference between this LxPup64 vs Micko's Slacko64- in terms of running a game?

The game is called "IQPuzzle". It requires qt5-common. So I have an qt5.sfs (from watchdog) and I loaded it in Slacko64-, and IQPuzzle fires right up & away I am playing it.

But I copy the exact same IQPuzzle files from Slacko64 (all of them in /usr directories), copy over the qt5.sfs into LxPup64 frugal-boot folder, load the qt5.sfs, and IQPuzzle will not run or even start.

What the heck is so different from LxPup64 vs Slacko64- that this game won't run? I evne downloaded the DEVX (you linked), recompiled IQPuzzle inside LxPup64, and it still won't start and/or run even though the qt5.sfs is loaded.

What is LxPup64 missing vs Slacko64-

Posted: Sun 18 Jun 2017, 18:04
by peebee
belham2 wrote:What is LxPup64 missing vs Slacko64-
Nothing that I can think - to the contrary most of the changes are additions.

I presume you've run from the command line in a terminal? Any error messages?

I suppose it might be that the .desktop file is somehow incompatible with the LXDE menu - click directly on the .desktop file in /usr/share/applications to see....


hp pavilion win 8.1

Posted: Tue 03 Oct 2017, 19:49
by zagreb999

how can it be installed on uefi
with win8.1 on hard disk, fat 32
to be able to automatic boot?

(win 8.1 is deleted)


LxPupSc64 RC1

Posted: Mon 19 Feb 2018, 17:47
by peebee
Release Candidate 1 of LxPupSc64.....


A full Woof-CE 64 bit build. Slackware64 Current based.

Kernel 4.15.4 64-bit built with gcc-7.3.0

Further details to follow.....