Page 2 of 12

Posted: Wed 01 Dec 2010, 09:26
by cthisbear
FireShepherd counters >> Firesheep.

" FireShepherd, a small console program that floods the nearby
wireless network with packets designed to turn off FireSheep "


Firesheep works because many web sites do not use the more secure HTTPS, which makes individual sessions secure even over public networks. ... eshepherd/


I am reposting this as this issue was on A Current Affair tonight.
Ho hum... a wee bit late methinks.


Comodo for service ... curity.php ... curity.php



Firefox Addon BlackSheep Detects & Protects From Firesheep ... firesheep/

UPDATE: BlackSheep for Linux is available here ... linux.html


Some people have had mixed results >> Hotspot Shield

It has been around a long time. PC and the MAC .

Third-party advertisements may show up in the free version.
Cheap security for that.


" If you are looking for a free solution, consider Hotspot Shield from Anchor Free. This service routes your network traffic through its servers, encrypting it all the way. But keep in mind that "free" software solutions are rarely truly "free." Anchor Free makes its money by delivering advertisements to the users of their service.

What I like about Hotspot Shield is that it is truly easy to use. If you are not tech savvy and are looking for a solution that is easy to deploy and doesn't take money directly from you, then it is the way to go.

If you are a VPN purist or you just don't want to support something that is advertising-driven, you should look at services like Anonymizer or Anonymizer is easy to implement but rather expensive, while has more reasonable rates but is harder to get going for the less technically proficient. " ... 85678.html


Firesheep And Protecting Your Wifi Connection –
A Few Thoughts And Best Practices ... practices/


How to prevent Firesheep - Firesheep Addon Explained

10 Ways to Protect Yourself from Firesheep Attacks ... ttacks.htm



Posted: Wed 15 Dec 2010, 22:52
by cthisbear
Replacing Outlook Express in Win 7
>> Fixed >> at the end of this post.

I have a friend using Windows 7.

He wanted an Outlook Express replacement.
This was because Microsoft with their usual wisdom removed OE,
and offered Windows Live mail.
Thereby peeing off millions of customers. ... ok-Express

Windows Live Mail is a bit of a pig apparently.
And my mate didn't want Outlook.

So I advised him to try Thunderbird.
There was a small problem wouldn't work.

I was visiting him recently and so I tried running it.

I had read somewhere recently ( maybe Whirlpool ),
about issues with Thunderbird and Win7.

Putting it kindly >> the developers look like they stuffed it up.

It's not that I'm not used to setting it up.

But the installer now is just stupid.
Where Plain Jane succeeded before, it now won't let you choose Pop3 etc.
There are workarounds but what a mess.

I could not get it going.

So I downloaded the Portable Apps version.
I finally got Thunderbird working but it then refused to send out mail.

My advice...go back to the 2 series.
I personally advocate Portable Thunderbird 2.
It just worked...a no brainer.

If you need to re-install Win7 or Vista:
you already have it there on the disk.

Copy the lot as a backup.
Just make a shortcut on your desktop and you are back in business.


Portable Thunderbird ... 97&index=1

There will be the usual whinges about security.
Bugger that...this just works.
I imported his old mail and contacts without a hitch.


What do I use?
Well I've never used Outlook Express.

I've always used the old Netscape Navigator, and then Mozilla
and then Seamonkey.
They just worked.

I haven't upgraded past >> SeaMonkey 1.1.19.
But the newer series should not be a problem.
I never let any version update.

And I've used Portable Thunderbird...up to the 2 series.
Now I use version

So I've had a look around and here are some posts.
Good luck.

"""""""""" ... ress-64bit

" I settled on Thunderbird.
I'm currently running on 64-bit Win7 RC Build 7100. "


7 Best Free Email Clients: Free Replacement for Outlook ... tlook.html


Eudora OSE is an email client that combines Mozilla's Thunderbird with
code, features, and GUI elements from Qualcomm's Eudora.

I tried this, quick test....and it connected OK.


Mail Utilities

//////////// ... pic=1884.0

Top 12 Free Email Programs for Windows ... l_prog.htm


" Bernie.... here is another email client, which is nearly identical to
Outlook Express which your daughter can use on her new Win7 machine.....
haven't used it as I use other clients and webmail, but all the folks who
have used that I have read from on other forums really love it.... "
there is a free version

Free version
Free of charge
Full functionality
Limited to 2 accounts
Community support
Non-commercial use only

Get Free License



Old Versions of Thunderbird: ... r-2.0.html


If you want to pay and have old XP applications running,
such as Outlook Express, this was recommended somewhere.

I've never tried it...use at your wallets own risk.

" Successful migration guaranteed:
We are 100% sure about our product.
That's why you only pay for it if your migration is fully successful" ... learn-more


My mate now uses the >> Vista >> Windows mail >> for his Win7

Download the zip and extract all files to a folder,

call it >> Windows Mail

Boot Puppy, Hirens, the Falcon whatever,

Go to >> Program Files >> in Windows 7

rename the folder >> Windows Mail to

Windows Mail Win7

Copy the extracted folder >> Windows Mail >> to

Program Files.

Make a shortcut from the file >> WinMail.exe >>

Copy the shortcut to your desktop >> voila!

when you click on it you have a completely usable
email client for Windows 7.


The download is here >> Vista mail 4 Win7
Size: 4.97 MB


Tested by me on a new Windows 7 laptop this week.
for a client. Always scan any download.


Posted: Mon 20 Dec 2010, 02:08
by cthisbear
Network Magic

Old version…still good. Good 4 Vista.
Still let’s you use the simple features after 7 days.

I reuploaded this...for XP and Vista users.

On Win7...the only thing they got right is connecting to hidden networks.
So you don't need it it.
However Windows7 is still a pig with more perfume.



Posted: Fri 07 Jan 2011, 10:17
by cthisbear
Lately I have been trying to multi boot different Puppies and other
great tools like Hirens and the Falcon Boot cd from a USB.

Grub 4 Dos in the latest Puppies is very handy.
Less chance of formatting your USB.
However the Golden Rule is back up anyway.
Any advice is only welcome if it actually works.


Thanks Shinobar.

" Grub4DosConfig is the Gru4Dos boot loader with GUI installer.
The name 'Grub4Dos' can be confusing but it is actually
'Grub NOT ONLY for Dos'.

Grub4dos supports many file system:
Does not support ReiserFS.
Grub4dos is upper compatible with (legacy) grub, can do all the legacy grub can do.

Remarkable is NTFS support.
Easy to install on Windows pre-installed PC's because linux partitions
are not essential,
Boots up Puppy(frugal and full) and other Linux and Windows.
It is used in Puppy 4.3.1 Japanese edition,
Toutou Linux, Quirky, Wary and in recent woof.
works on puppy 4.x/5.x and its derivatives. "


But how do you edit the menu list in Windows.
Not easily done in with MS .

Of course I can do it in Puppy without problems.

Hirens also uses >> Metapad. ...Which works fine.

" Metapad >> is a small, fast and completely free text editor for
Windows (95/98/NT/XP/Vista/7) with similar features to
Microsoft Notepad but with many extra (and rather useful) features.
It was designed to completely replace Notepad since it includes all
of Notepad's features and much, much more. "

Metapad does not need installing...just unzip and make a shortcut.


Finally puppyluvr has released his Multiboot cd creator.

MultiPup CD/DVD Creator

" Only for ext2/ext3 filesystems... "

But if you had an old drive lying around you could format in Puppy
and use it to test multi booting..

Remember that formatting drives is quick.
Recovering your data if you erased the wrong drive is painful.

Rewritable cds or dvds are handy to have for testing.


Posted: Mon 17 Jan 2011, 22:49
by cthisbear
March 2012

Falcon Rescue cds....updated links.

Also the newest Hirens boot cd.


Hirens 15.1

Download >>>
Click on >> near bottom of the page.
Unzips to an ISO and other files.


Note that the newer Falcon is harder to burn and as ERD is the same,
use the older version. Refer to my previous posts .


Updated March 2012

Latest working some links below stopped working.

FalconFour's Ultimate Boot CD/USB 4.5 - Hiren's 13.0 ... ren_s_13.0


FalconFour's Ultimate Boot CD/USB 2.0 - Hiren's 9.9, ERD ... s_9.9__ERD

Easiest to burn.


FalconFour's Ultimate Boot CD/USB 4.0 - Hiren's 10.6 ... ren_s_10.6

Harder to burn. From the Falcon How To.

"And finally, when you go back to burn the CD, there are some important details. I use ImgBurn to create and burn this ISO, and so can you.

The short of it is, it uses the ISO9660 filesystem with fully relaxed restrictions, as well as UDF.

The "grldr" file in the root of the disc is also used as the boot image
(it loads 4 sectors, then goes on to find the rest of the file, and boots).
So select grldr as your Custom (no emulation) boot image,
4 sectors, and burn away.

You must keep in mind that boot filenames (e.g. grldr, BOOT\bootmgr,
F4UBCD\Images\konboot.gz) are ALL CASE SENSITIVE.

If the case sensitivity is not preserved (e.g. using a burning app that uppercases the ISO9660 filesystem, or changing the case on a folder), you'll be in for a world of keyboardmashing.

That's why I recommend using ImgBurn, even though the author got a little irresponsible with selling-out to and promoting Uniblue malware. "


So just use this install.. don't update.

ImgBurn.exe .... Size: 1.53 MB


FalconFour's Micro Boot CD 2.5 >> 47.95 MiB ... __Kon-Boot



Posted: Sat 29 Jan 2011, 23:55
by cthisbear
Recovering data on Raid 0

This was an interesting post with a fix by tempestuous.
I linked to his Puppy Pets for Raid as well.

And on page 2 >> a happy customer.

" It worked!!! I had it typed in wrong. Anyway they mounted.
I found the files, I can see the files and I'm copying them to my
external hard drive.

I am so excited!!!
I am so grateful to all your help. I really didn't think this was going to work. Other forums kept saying if you have a Raid 0 drive your data
is probably lost without a lot of money to data recovery companies.
Local computer repair shops couldn't help.
I am still in shock that it actually worked!

I've gotten the kids pictures back and many many hours of work back.
I can't thank you enough!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! "



RAID arrays in (Puppy) Linux
" Thanks to some good testing by forum member CindyJ,
the dmraid dotpet earlier in this thread is confirmed to work with
bios-RAID devices, and I have just upgraded the dmraid dotpet,
and also updated the instructions. " ... 111#459111


Posted: Fri 11 Mar 2011, 01:20
by cthisbear
Added the

How to Stop Installation Wizard from installing Windows Genuine Advantage Notification Startup 2...>>> WGA

I had this on a recent XP laptop.
A customer updated Windows and got this bug, but luckily they
didn't install it. ... ation.html


Recently I had a problem with Grub 4 Dos by Shinobar.

I have been using it to boot different USBs with multi Puppies etc.

I am not very knowledgeable with any sort of Grub.
However Shinobars creation is pretty good.

I wish however that I could use different boot options
for Puppy....such as >> puppy pfix=ram etc.

And maybe it's me but I find it picks up better if I name the folders....
in lower case...and use only an 8 letter name.

Anyway I must have been a bit too quick in selecting my USB options,
and my XP hard drive booted with a funny grub message,
but then would boot into Windows after 10 seconds or so.

So I had a look around for a simple MBR fix.

I tried this but it wouldn't work. ... fixmbr.php

Hirens wouldn't work.

Other fixes didn't work.


I saw this.

Command fdisk /mbr

" Fdisk has an undocumented parameter called /mbr that causes it to write
the master boot record to the hard disk without altering the
partition table information. "

And decided to go for it after I saw WhatsHisName response.
I used an old >> Dos 6.22 floppy disk ... br-178571/

" My post will surely be followed by several fdisk /mbr screwed my disk

Posted: Fri 11 Mar 2011, 03:19
by cthisbear

Posted: Fri 25 Mar 2011, 23:07
by cthisbear
FalconFour's Ultimate Boot CD/USB 4.5 - Hiren's 13.0

Updated by the Falcon.

Use with care. ... ren_s_13.0


Posted: Fri 25 Mar 2011, 23:47
by Sylvander
The FalconFour's link is failing to connect to the server. :(

Posted: Sat 26 Mar 2011, 00:04
by cthisbear
I bet you are using Firefox.

I had to click it a few times >> Download this torrent (magnet link)


to get it working.

Testing Macpup 5.20 with Firefox.

Just installed works again.
Just unclick the Poker site...OK.

Also installed Seamonkey.
Instantly handles it.

This time with another site.

Give it a go mate.
Hey! Sylvander... good day to you.

I know that you also give out a ton of advice on Puppy.


Posted: Sat 26 Mar 2011, 07:36
by Sylvander
Used Dillo to download the torrent file.
The business was a little odd, but I got it done.

Then installed Transmission using the Lupu-520 PPM.
That was easy.

Then ran Transmission to "Add" the torrent, and that is now downloading the file.
It originally looked like it was going to take hours to complete, but it now reports 8min reamaining, so that's not so bad.

I have a fast [10Gb/s] cable broadband connection, so usually there's no need to resort to using torrent downloads.

Download 50% complete, and 6min remaining.

Download now complete.
md5sum checks OK.
Closed Transmission.

Using burniso2cd [REALLY EASY] to burn the ISO image to a CD-RW.
Burn now complete. :D

Now to try booting it.

It boots OK, and appears to work just fine. :D

Posted: Sun 27 Mar 2011, 09:30
by cthisbear
I couldn't get the Falcon to boot off my 16 gig USB,
and strangely Puppy for that matter...
after a reformat.

I had the previous Falcon boot before reformatting,
but the Vista-Win7 ERD refused to fire up....
it always came up with a fault.

Shinobar's Grub 4 Dos wouldn't boot me either,
and quite honestly...this was a first time fail.

GParted said all was OK...boot and LBA ticked...
but it was a dud.

Tried different usb ports...front and back,
on different computers.


So as a last resort I used Hiren's USB apps to get me running.

I had used it last year before I tried Shinobar's Grub4DosConfig.


2012...much improved Hiren's USB How To


Step 1
Connect USB Pen Drive (512MB or more)

Step 2
Download and Run USB Disk Storage Format USB Disk Storage Format (34KB)

Step 3
Download grubinst_gui Grub 4 Dos (188KB) and Run as Administrator

Step 4
Copy grldr and menu.lst (from HBCD folder) to the usb drive.

Well it booted fine.

So I erased Hirens and extracted the newer Falcon cd instead.

All seemed to work except Konboot.
I think this is an acknowledged fault with USB booting.


I also added a crop of Puppies.

Ecomoney's Seafarers Cybercafe

2 of 2.14 revisions by ttuuxxx.

3 Lucids

Puppy Studio3


Snow Puppy

Insidious 02


Puppy 431

Wary Japanese

4 Fluppy versions


Wary Mediaplayer Edition


All working.


So I have attached the >> menu .lst

and the folder list if anyone can't boot their Puppy off USB.

I keep the names in just seems to work,

and I also use shorter names and no spaces in the names.

It seems to work better for me...I can't say it's entirely correct,
but it who cares.

Obviously I used the Falcon menu list to get it up and running.

ERD is the latest version.

ERD 4 XP is now inbuilt into Mini XP.

The Vista Win7 >> MS DaRT 6.5
for 32 & 64-bit Vista & 7\n\nMicrosoft Diagnostics and
Recovery Toolset 6.

boots from the menu prompt.

It is slow booting...uncompressing the files???
so have patience.

Mini Windows is not as slow....but same advice.

They both run nicely when they are up and running.


This is for Puppy Arcade.

Call the folder >>> puppyarcade

Add this to menu....

title Puppy Arcade (sdc1/puppyarcade)
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /puppyarcade/initrd.gz
kernel /puppyarcade/vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash psubdir=puppyarcade
initrd /puppyarcade/initrd.gz


7zip for Windows.
Great for extracting Iso files in their proper format to usb.


Posted: Wed 27 Apr 2011, 11:35
by cthisbear
The Hiren's has been re-uploaded.

So there are 5 small files...4 an easy multi usb install in Windows.

7 Zip is what I use to extract ISO files to folders.


Posted: Mon 09 May 2011, 22:28
by cthisbear
I saw this on Whirlpool today.

Reinstall XP Home OEM ... ?t=1695176

"I have a computer at home that came with Windows XP Home OEM,
the COA sticker is on the side with a Product key.

I don't have the original CD anymore so have "acquired" one online, it is
for Win XP Home Edition SP3. When I tried to install it on the computer
the installation didn't accept the product key.

Why would this be? "

Wyrm 1972 >> mentioned a post on >> My Digital Life. ... e-channel/

How to Change Windows XP Version Between Retail,
OEM and Volume License Channel


I also saw some other posts there of interest.

Backup and Save the Windows XP Activation Status
(WPA.DBL) to Reinstall Without Activate Again ... ate-again/


How to Backup and Restore to Preserve OEM Offline Pre-Activation
When Reinstall Windows XP ... indows-xp/


How to Backup and Restore Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 Activation Status (Activate Offline On Reinstall) ... reinstall/

RemoveWAT or Chew-WGA “Bypass Activate

Posted: Mon 16 May 2011, 01:07
by cthisbear
Returnil in their infinite wisdom stopped their old version.

I re-uploaded the older >>>RVS 2008 free...


" "With Returnil, nothing that happens to your system is permanent.
Just reboot and presto! Everything is back the way it was."

RVS 2008 free gives you enough protection.

Don't update...some limitations after 30 days...but a goodie.
More simple...small...does the job.

I run it on a mates machine...for XP.


You can copy docs to another partition or usb
but not to C:> drive...because on reboot they disappear.
But then any viruses died with those files as well.

" It clones (copies) your operating system and creates a virtual environment for your PC.
Instead of loading the native operating system, a clone is loaded
that allows you to run your applications and perform your online
activities in an entirely isolated environment. In this manner, your
actual operating system is never affected by viruses, Trojans,
malware and other malicious threats.

To return to the actual operating system environment, you just need to restart your PC. "


Only in the paid versions.

" While working in the virtual environment, you have the option of
saving documents and files so that your data will not be lost when
the system is restarted. ... ystem-safe


Posted: Sun 22 May 2011, 22:30
by cthisbear
An old post that got dragged up from the crypt today.
But there may be some answers 4 Vista users wanting XP.

I have gone through and checked it out, but as I say some of the advice
has been superceded re viruses...
but for the most part it is OK. ... 159#320159


Posted: Mon 23 May 2011, 04:16
by cthisbear
Anyone had trouble accessing the Falcon links on the Pirate Bay.

I've just woken up to the fact that I am being blocked.

So copy the Falcon link in another window of your browser and
log on here

" IP Encode provides unrestricted access with our free anonymous internet browsing service to help bypass firewalls with a range of privacy features available such as URL Encoding which helps to hide the links of the site
you want to visit from being detected by web filters.

Plus if you need a little extra privacy, you can also block Scripts, Flash and Java objects which can sometimes be used by websites to find
out your Real IP Address.

Simply enter the site you want to visit below and press the
GO button to get started. "


Posted: Sat 28 May 2011, 22:55
by cthisbear
I happened to see this today.

How to wipe HD with Puppy, to reinstall Windows?


I would use DBan myself for a few minutes running from the
Hirens Boot cd or USB etc. ... p_id=61951

If I had other drives on my computer.....
I would disconnect them >> so that they would not get formatted as well.

If DBan looks too complicated I would use >>
Ccleaner running from Hiren's.

The screenshot doesn't show it but you can erase hard drives
with a variety of wipe options. ... /ccleaner7

Beware SSD and Ccleaner

Reading up I saw this from leexgx.

" i have posted quite an number of times in the past unless
CC cleaner is doing an low level format it degrade the SSD " ... p=15197924


So a good post....I have seen similar items here...
maybe Sylvander posted one ??

AustrAlien ...from Cowra OZ has a well thought out answer,
so read up from the original. ... try2262536


" Off-line system restore using a LIVE CD

Step1: Navigate to C:\System Volume Information\

Inside that folder you will see a folder with a name beginning with "restore" followed by a long alpa-numeric code in brackets.

Inside the "restore<bracketed long alpa-numeric code>" folder you will see a number of folders named "RP<3 digit number>".

Choose the highest number:
That is your most recent System Restore point.

Open the "RP<highest number>" folder and inside that you will see another folder called "snapshot".

Finally, open the "snapshot" folder and you will be at this address ...

C:\System Volume Information\restore<bracketed long alpha-numeric code>\RP<highest number>\snapshot

Locate the 5 files that you need to copy from within the snapshot folder:


Copy these 5 files from here, and paste into the "config" folder at following location ...

C:\Windows\System32\config <<< folder

Step2: In the "config" folder at C:\Windows\System32\config, locate the current registry hive files ...


.... and re-name them by appending .old to the filename, so that they now look like this ....


Step3: Still in the "config" folder at C:\Windows\System32\config
Re-name the files that you copied from the restore point:





_REGISTRY_USER_.DEFAULT .... rename to DEFAULT (You MUST remove the dot in front of DEFAULT)

You have now completed the System Restore.
Shut down the computer, removing the LIVE CD.

Does your Windows XP system start normally now? "


AustrAlien disclaimer.

" The instructions I will provide will wipe the whole HDD.
I need to check that you have only the one partition on that HDD,
and that you don't have a second partition with data on it that you
had intended to keep intact. "


" If and when you are sure that you wish to go ahead and
wipe your HDD
(the WHOLE HDD!), the instructions for doing this using Puppy Linux follow.

At the Puppy Desktop, click on the console icon.

Type in the following command exactly as shown (paying attention to the spaces) and then press the <ENTER> key:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=4k conv=notrunc

This command will overwrite the drive with zeroes, and return
your hard drive to "as new" condition.

Apart from your hard drive light showing "busy", there will be
no indication of anything happening until finished,
when you will see output on the console screen as follows ...

dd: writing '/dev/sda': No space left on device
followed by some other information.

I have tested on a 2.1GB hard drive and found it to take
17.4 minutes to complete. So, be patient:

The time it takes to complete will depend very much on the size of
your hard drive. You may wish to leave it run over-night.

Simply close the console window when finished.
Then shut down the computer, removing the Puppy CD.

Boot to your Windows installation CD, create a partition,
format it, and install XP. Success? "



Posted: Tue 07 Jun 2011, 12:04
by cthisbear
I saw an old post

What format for retrieving data from crashed hard drive?

It had links to some of my older replies. ... 04491390e6

//////// ... ?t=1174451 ... ?t=1198871 ... ?t=1203695 ... h&id=16661 ... 109#313109

Might be useful.


I updated my first post last night.

Reposted it here 4 testing ...later deleted it
>>because I fixed the links up...40 pages.

Of course it worked here on page 4.

Reposted on page one...links didn't work.

Strange ... strange ... forum error.


Added to older content here.

Great help site.

Recover files from Windows 7 hard disk using Puppy Linux ... isk-7.html

Recover files from Windows XP hard disk using Puppy Linux ... sk-xp.html

Recover files from Windows Vista hard disk using Puppy Linux ... vista.html
