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Posted: Mon 10 Dec 2012, 08:10
by Sage
Thanks again, G. I plan to run a FULL with 610 as soon as I can release an HD, so will look into this and any other issue arising.

Change to Root

Posted: Mon 10 Dec 2012, 20:17
by Fishy
I appreciate all the effort in making Fatdog a multi-user system but I would prefer to use it as root only. Is there a simple way to change all applications to run as root or do I have to edit all exec files manually?

Some of the fun with Puppy is finding out what not to do. :lol:

extract rpm package

Posted: Mon 10 Dec 2012, 20:35
by don570
I made a special pet package to extract rpm packages.
It will only work in recent fatdog!!

Here's a simple script I call

It's only purpose is to put a right click menu option
to extract a rpm package (it must have a .rpm extension)

Just right click on file and choose 'Extract here'.
The original file will remain. A new folder will be created.
There will be a warning if a similar name is in use. Paths will be
preserved . (A rpm source package will be converted to gzip package)


Posted: Mon 10 Dec 2012, 20:57
by don570
I fixed a few problems I've found while using

There is a new version 6.0.4


Posted: Mon 10 Dec 2012, 21:10
by Gobbi
Sage , I remember other two issues with audio over HDMI that I had with 600 version .
First I noticed this in the soundcard behaviour : changes made in Fatdog64 had effects on sound settings in Windows 7 which I also used on my computer . I think settings on the card were changed ...
Second : when I switch the use of my TV that I use as monitor over HDMI , let's say I switch to another port antenna , VGA , another HDMI , whatever , coming back to computer on it's HDMI port made the sound disappear . To make it come back I had to unplug the HDMI cable from the socket and plug it again into the same port , and then it worked fine .

Posted: Mon 10 Dec 2012, 23:02
by don570
Bug found in fatdog 610:

When I made my and
I originally made the pet package while using fatdog.

To my surprise I couldn't install them on a regular puppy distro.
I would get error messages. I was able to extract the packages.

Could it be that the lack of a desktop file is the problem??


A script I have written using gtkdialog3 won't launch
in fatdog 610 ---> an image request fails because
the image isn't installed . It will launch if I modify and use fatdog's

Other puppies don't have this problem. Images don't have to present.


Posted: Tue 11 Dec 2012, 02:18
by jamesbond
Fishy wrote:I appreciate all the effort in making Fatdog a multi-user system but I would prefer to use it as root only. Is there a simple way to change all applications to run as root or do I have to edit all exec files manually?
You don't have to do anything. By default Fatdog runs as root, except for certain network programs.
If you want them to run as root too, look at all files that ends with "-spot" in /usr/bin, and edit them to launch the application directly.
don570 wrote: When I made my and
I originally made the pet package while using fatdog.

To my surprise I couldn't install them on a regular puppy distro.
I would get error messages. I was able to extract the packages.

Could it be that the lack of a desktop file is the problem??
No, it's because Fatdog's dir2pet uses XZ compression (instead of GZ compression).
Fatdog's pet is actually .tar.xz files (as opposed to puppy's pet which is tar.gz).
A script I have written using gtkdialog3 won't launch
in fatdog 610 ---> an image request fails because
the image isn't installed . It will launch if I modify and use fatdog's
For new scripts, please use gtkdialog4. gtkdialog3 (gtkdialog 0.7.2) is old and no longer maintained. All puppies are also moving towards gtkdialog4 (the one in fatdog is gtkdialog 0.8.0), zigbert is already moving to gtkdialog5? :) (anything newer than 0.8.2 is gtkdialog5 :) ). The reason gtkdialog3 is still there is because there are about 120 scripts in Fatdog that still depend on it.

Posted: Tue 11 Dec 2012, 07:53
by Sage
Thanks fellas, more HDMI advice from G and an .rpm installer from don, v.004 lina-lite from el. - truly Xmas has arrived early! {I know! the date is wrong anyway, Xmas should be in July or somewhere else thanks to Gregory, Victorian 10-day adjustments, odd-second adjustments as well as poor record-keeping. Some of us are still celebrating old Norse pagan festivals with fir trees, lights and co. anyway - glad the old sun hasn't changed its time-keeping habits much this last 4.3bn years}.

Posted: Tue 11 Dec 2012, 14:20
by spandey
In Fatdog, how do we check graphics driver in use? I am asking this because Fatdog 610 flash video is not as crisp as Fatdog 600.Sorry if it has been answered already.

Posted: Tue 11 Dec 2012, 15:17
by Sage
To make it come back I had to unplug the HDMI cable from the socket and plug it again into the same port , and then it worked fine .
'Fraid it didn't work!

Posted: Tue 11 Dec 2012, 15:18
by Gobbi
spandey, try Menu / Control Panel / Desktop / Display Properties , maybe it works in your case ...
If you haven't installed a propietary driver ( intel , nvidia , ati-catalyst ) then it should be Mesa-9.0-x86_64 , the default driver installed by fatdog . If you did , check Menu / System / ...
It should also be a command line :idea: which I would like to find out too ...

Sorry to hear that Sage ...

Posted: Tue 11 Dec 2012, 18:28
by kirk
In Fatdog, how do we check graphics driver in use?
Look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log. You can also run glxinfo from a terminal and make sure you see direct rendering: Yes.

Also, if you use ATI graphics, the included open source drivers provide better 2D acceleration than the proprietary fglrx driver.

Posted: Tue 11 Dec 2012, 20:39
by Gobbi
Thank's kirk :!: Good to know ... :D

Posted: Wed 12 Dec 2012, 01:26
by don570
I compiled mhwaveedit in fatdog 610 to make sure
that mhwaveedit opened up retrovol when I clicked
on the mixer button . It's stripped to reduce size.

It includes a new configuration file to make sure that an old one
with a different entry for audiomixer won't confuse mhwaveedit.


Posted: Thu 13 Dec 2012, 01:16
by spandey
I checked direct rendering enabled is both versions. The vendor name for driver in 600 is tungsten where as for 610 it's Intel Opensource . I am not sure if both are same company or different.

Other difference I noticed was under about:plugins, firefox lists the plugins twice in 610. One refers to /usr/lib where as other to /usr/lib64. But it 600 it refers to only /usr/lib64.


Posted: Thu 13 Dec 2012, 05:21
by dennis-slacko531
:mrgreen: FatDog is noticeably faster than Saluki 23 . I just received my used PC this afternoon. Saluki was helpful for about an hour then I booted into FatDog. NICE :o

I honestly think people don't know how outdated & unnecessary old PC's are. I'm not selling anything... but maybe you know what I mean... Bottom line, for under $75 it's like a NEW WORLD getting away from my P4 (yikes why did I wait)...

My eBay ideas for those wishing to investigate the round world...

UPDATE: I'll try to get some junkers off my site and concentrate more on puppy's. I guess the variety has become counter-productive, but I'm not fully agreeing w/your sage of wisdom, yet.

Posted: Thu 13 Dec 2012, 07:52
by Sage
Sending you a set of go-faster stripes in the post. You'll need to speak to your President or your shrink about your lemming-itis and your sense of public duty towards landfill, lack of spirit of ingenuity, &co. Hope you're not in need of a humour transplant, too!

Posted: Thu 13 Dec 2012, 16:03
by Sage
not in need of a humour transplant
- a misapprehension, evidently. Should show more Ab Fab, Fawlty Towers and Office over there! Can't win 'em all.

Posted: Thu 13 Dec 2012, 20:36
by Sage
Managed to free up an HD for an FD610 FULL. Went like clockwork yielding a very nice result, thanks, kirk & jb. Presently got it chained with a Nadia install so I could test the GRUB4DOS re-write for both - no problems there, either.
So far the only niggle is that too short time-out for searching wifi. On second thoughts, can't distinguish whether it's too short or just failing on first ask?
Not important, probably my misunderstanding, pfix=ram, nox prior to installing yields the prompt but xorgwizard not available (somebody say that already?) so only X option is xwin. Gives correct video detection on several machines so not an issue.
This control Panel is the best of the lot; should suit the 'doze refugees.

Posted: Sat 15 Dec 2012, 00:04
by prehistoric
Just ran a test of 610 again on another machine, while I was browsing this topic, to make sure I was right about something others were missing.

On a machine with an fd64save.ext4 file in the base directory of the file system "pfix=ram" does not prevent the save file from being loaded. Sage avoids this only by not having a save file, not because the pfix flag stops loading. "savefile=none" does prevent loading.

On the subject of video graphics, please, don't load the KMS module until it is clear that you need it. Leave a route people can use to install a proprietary nVidia driver if there are no acceptable open source drivers.

When I was working with Gentoo there were always open source wrappers for nVidia proprietary drivers we could compile even as kernels evolved. Has this changed?

I would prefer complete open source drivers, but I'm not going to pretend these are keeping pace with changes nVidia introduces. ATI provides enough information for developers. nVidia may not.

There may also be problems with Matrox drivers, though it has been a while since I've fooled with these.