How to install Amaya-8.8.51.tar.gz Pupget in Puppy 2.0?

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How to install Amaya-8.8.51.tar.gz Pupget in Puppy 2.0?

#1 Post by pixturesk »

I am using Live CD Puppy 2.0 on a P3 600, 256megs, ultra lite cable internet computer. After getting the "Amaya-8.8.51.tar.gz" file from the PupGet ftp site, then saving it to the "root" folder, I want to know how to install it to my current configuration. I am not of the computer generation, so can you please tell me point by point, the steps I have to follow to install this. I know this new install will save to the large Puppy file on my "C" drive when I close my Puppy session. Thanks.

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#2 Post by diogenes »

You can run in the command line (in the correct directory):
$ tgz2pet Amaya-8.8.51.tar.gz
it should then create a file called: , which you should then be able to click to install from rox.

edit: actually, since youre using 2.0, i dont think (though im not sure) that the tgz2pet script is there...
so otherwise, you should run this in the commandline:
$ tar xvzf Amaya-8.8.51.tar.gz
this will unpack the archive and create a folder called Amaya*
if your package is source code, you will have to compile it yourself -- (see the section at the bottom about C++ compiling)...otherwise you should be able to simply copy the files from the package to the correct folders on puppy...(ie. corresponding folders)

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