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MuppyQuickmount (August, 08, 2008)

Posted: Sun 03 Aug 2008, 17:32
by MU
This is a very fast drivemounter.

It does NOT support Floppy drives.

It supports harddisks and external drives, like USB-Sticks.
CD/DVD drives can be used from a second window, that increases speed.

If your drive is not listed, you might have an old Puppy, that misses nodes (Puppy 301/400).
In that case, install this bugfix: ... 416#214416

MuppyQuickmount requires Puppybasic and Gtkdialog3.

Also have a look a pdrive:

You can get a pet that includes muppyquickmount, Muppy-Filer and Gtkbasic all together from here:


Posted: Sun 03 Aug 2008, 20:59
by lapis
I like the quickness of this, thanks. I have a slow dvd drive in my laptop so Mut can be slow even though I almost never use the dvd so this is great.

One question, the free space does not show anything but apart from that it detects all drives and their sizes correctly.

Sorry, spoke too soon. I tried mounting some ntfs drives and they show up in MUT as mounted but I can't copy anything to them.

Posted: Sun 03 Aug 2008, 21:43
by MU
ok, uploaded new version.
now ntfs-drives should me mounted read/write.
I also added an option to mount all drives.
And you can repair them.

The list now uses a monospace font.

lapis, free spaces is shown for mounted drives only.
Or is it not shown for yours?
What Puppy do you use?


Posted: Sun 03 Aug 2008, 22:50
by MU
I added another option:
"find free space on all drives".
This will mount unmounted drives, get the free space, then unmount them again.

As this is slower, it is not active by default.


Posted: Sun 03 Aug 2008, 23:43
by MU
I forgot to add a file required to repair partitions.
It opens Puppys repairprograms in rxvt.
Added it now.


Posted: Mon 04 Aug 2008, 02:20
by MU
I added the option to mount CDs.
This opens a new window, so the speed of harddrive-detection is not affected..
I tested it with just one drive, so I cannot guarantee, it works with all.

Now with these options it might make sense to use Gtkdialog instead of xdialog for a nicer interface like pdrive?


Posted: Mon 04 Aug 2008, 13:28
by lapis
MU wrote: free spaces is shown.
I've installed your newer version and I have free space showing now. It did not show for mounted drives before.

However, I've gone backwards on everything else. I can't mount or unmount anything now and it won't close unless I kill the process.

If this is because I am using Puppy 2.15ce then I will give up. It was just that your earlier version seemed like it worked as it showed all drives and unmounted everything fine.

Posted: Wed 06 Aug 2008, 08:54
by MU
I made a major rewrite.

It now uses Puppys Gtkdialog3 instead of Xdialog.
It works more reliable when determing the freespace on all drives.

And it has this new option:

The "mount on" option:

Puppy mounts everything to "/mnt/".
This is the old Unix standard.

In 2008 there also is the new approach to mount removable media to "/media/".

Both standards can cause collisions.
So Gnome 2.22.1 will not display drives, that are mounted to /mnt/ by an entry in /etc/fstab.

MuppyQuickmount gives you the choice:

- "/mnt/" mounts to /mnt/ without using /etc/fstab.
- "/media/" mounts to /media/ without using /etc/fstab.
- "use "fstab" mounts to the mountpoint definded in /etc/fstab.

Explanation of fstab:

/etc/fstab has informations, to where a device shall be mounted.
It also may contain additional info, like what codepage (language) shall be used.

So in general, it makes sense, to use this.

If you get problems, e.g. in Gnome, use the other options.

As with the options "/mnt/" and "/media/" you cannot set a language, there also is a 4th option:
"use mqmtab".
You can copy /etc/fstab to /etc/mqmtab.
This is a file used ONLY by MuppyQuickmount.

So drives can be mounted with language options, without conflicting with Gnome.

(c) Mark Ulrich, 2008
License: GPL V3 or later

Posted: Wed 06 Aug 2008, 08:57
by MU
lapis, please try the new one.
If you still have problems, please type in a consolewindow:

Code: Select all

muppyfinddisks -m

muppyfinddisks -m -all

muppyfinddisks -m -free

muppyfinddisks -m -free -forcefree
Then tell me, where the error occurs.

Posted: Wed 06 Aug 2008, 14:17
by lapis
MU wrote:If you still have problems
Thanks Mark, this is excellent. If I still have problems with this I can't find them. :)

Mount/unmount NTFS and VFAT partitions all ok. Even closes properly ;)

I have said goodbye to MUT. No more having to listen to the DVD drive spin up. Quickmount it is in name and deed.

I like the double click on the chosen partition line to mount/unmount as well.

Only one small comment, it would be good to have some separation (either physically or with colours) between the different listed drive classes like HDAx grouped separately from SDAx and so on. Pardon me for not knowing if the gtkdialog can do that or not and maybe also mounted devices being in bold?

Posted: Fri 08 Aug 2008, 07:31
by MU
I found a small bug, and corrected it.
If you had a drive mounted like sda10, then you could not mount sda1.
It thought, it was mounted already.

I also tested it in Puppy 400, works fine 8)

Posted: Fri 08 Aug 2008, 08:15
by nooby
I also tested it in Puppy 400, works fine Cool
Very good Mark,
much appreciated.

Posted: Wed 20 Jan 2010, 23:31
by sc0ttman
I realise this thread is quite old now, but I'm looking to use Muppyquickmount - particulary the mount all command/button..

I have this script in /root/startup (not mine):

Code: Select all

xmessage -bg orange -center -buttons "" "Please wait, your drives are being mounted." &

cd /usr/local/MuppyQuickmount/resource/
./muppyquickmount -mode:mountall xxx
kill $pid
However, whenever I use the above script, or the mount all button in the gui, my NTFS partitions are read only..
It's driving me crazy...

They mount properly if I mount them seperately, but if I use 'mount all', it's always read only NTFS...

Any ideas?? I'd be very, very grateful for a fix..

One more question, if anyone can help.. What's the best way to unmount all partitions at shutdown?

I guess putting a few commands in /etc/rc.shutdown would be the right place, but what commands to use??


Posted: Sat 23 Jan 2010, 07:42
by lapis
sc0ttman wrote:whenever I use the above script, or the mount all button in the gui, my NTFS partitions are read only..
They mount properly if I mount them seperately, but if I use 'mount all', it's always read only NTFS...
I guess this is related to the original issue where ntfs was only mounted read only. MU fixed it for single mounts but maybe there was separate code for mounting all. I am afraid I am not good enough to follow the code but I think it has to do with the Mount command not mounting ntfs and vfat properly when the auto option is used or no file type is specified.

I noticed that vfat partitions are not mounted by MuppyQuickmount with long file names used but If you specifically have
mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1
Then long file names show up.

I like MuppyQuickmount for its speed but it would be nice if these two things could be fixed.

With regard to unmounting, I thought Puppy unmounted everything on shutdown already. Just for some reason it only shows unmounting of one partition in the shutdown messages.

Anyway, I think this does it
umount -a

Posted: Sat 23 Jan 2010, 08:20
by 01micko

As far as I can tell, in the shutdown script in 4.3x the command "mount" is run to see what filesystems are mounted and then goes on to unmount them. It is reflected in the shutdown with "unmounting stray filesystems"..

You could try Startmount. It could fullfil your needs.


Posted: Sat 23 Jan 2010, 12:54
by sc0ttman
@01micko and lapis:

Woooo.. Someone answered, I was hoping so! Thanks for the info, I'm gonna try and play with it, but am sure I know way too little to fix it, but would love auto mount all to be fixed in muppyquickmount!!

I've given startmount a few tests, it wasn't that reliable for me, but i'm gonna try the latest version today..

Posted: Sat 23 Jan 2010, 15:14
by lapis
Hi sc0ttman, I've played a bit with mounting ntfs partitions and the problem is definitely related to using the mount command without specifying a file type.

mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1
uses a different driver to
mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1

When "-t ntfs" is specified ntfs-3g is used to mount the partition and write access is okay.

Does anyone know why ntfs-3g is not used if "-t ntfs" is not specified? From my reading of the mount manual it looks like it should be the same for both.

If you look at /usr/local/MuppyQuickmount/resource/muppyquickmount
on line 231 you will see:
mount (drive)

I wonder if it would work if you change it to:
mount -t filesystemtype (drive)

where "filesystemtype" is "ntfs" where appropriate.

Posted: Sun 28 Mar 2010, 10:54
by sc0ttman
lapis wrote:Hi sc0ttman, I've played a bit with mounting ntfs partitions and the problem is definitely related to using the mount command without specifying a file type.

mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1
uses a different driver to
mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1

When "-t ntfs" is specified ntfs-3g is used to mount the partition and write access is okay.

Does anyone know why ntfs-3g is not used if "-t ntfs" is not specified? From my reading of the mount manual it looks like it should be the same for both.

If you look at /usr/local/MuppyQuickmount/resource/muppyquickmount
on line 231 you will see:
mount (drive)

I wonder if it would work if you change it to:
mount -t filesystemtype (drive)

where "filesystemtype" is "ntfs" where appropriate.
That all sounds like it might help (I guess!), not that I would be able to make those changes!! But if anyone could, that would be great.. I'd be happy to test it out...

Another issue with MuppyQuickMount is that CD/DVD mounting seems not to work for me most of the time... But hey ho... I still like it..

Posted: Tue 13 Sep 2011, 04:29
by harii4
Would be great to have an updated MuppyQuickmount.
I use it over pmount.
It an great app. to have :D

Posted: Fri 07 Oct 2011, 21:47
by MU
I updated and also the "all in one"

Now also NTFS-drives should be mounted read-write, when the drives are mounted at startup automatically.

And vfat drives are mounted using the " -t vfat" option.
On fluppy, this was not needed though, as long filenames are displayed also without this option. So let me know please, if it fixes issue with long filenames on system, where the old version did not work.

By default, now all drives are mounted at startup.

If you don't want this, simply remove the file /root/Startup/muppyquickmount-all

When your Puppy is shutting down, everything is unmounted, if you don't want that too, then delete /etc/init.d/muppyquickmountmountall.

Thanks for your last messages and sorry for the late update, my job kept me busy...
