Distrowatch description needs work!

What features/apps/bugfixes needed in a future Puppy
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Distrowatch description needs work!

#1 Post by aahhaaa »

Its nice that Distrowatch now shows a current logo for Puppy, as trial users may choose to download a distro on nothing more than appealing appearances. Mint, for example... :?

However, here is the current description shown for Puppy:

Yes, Puppy Linux is yet another Linux distribution. What's different here is that Puppy is extraordinarily small, yet quite full featured. Puppy boots into a 64MB ramdisk, and that's it, the whole caboodle runs in RAM. Unlike live CD distributions that have to keep pulling stuff off the CD, Puppy in its entirety loads into RAM. This means that all applications start in the blink of an eye and respond to user input instantly. Puppy Linux has the ability to boot off a flash card or any USB memory device, CDROM, Zip disk or LS/120/240 Superdisk, floppy disks, internal hard drive. It can even use a multisession formatted CD-R/DVD-R to save everything back to the CD/DVD with no hard drive required at all!

imho, this needs work... it confuses running 'Live' with the 'installed' competition, and doesn't mention several major reasons to give Puppy a try (such as being the fastest dl that will let somebody see/fix a NTFS drive).


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#2 Post by Trobin »

Write what you believe to be a good and accurate summary and submit it. Whi knows, maybe they'll publish it.

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