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PPM Downloads Fail

Posted: Tue 29 Jan 2013, 17:50
by bcs
I downloaded Puppy Slacko v 5.4 from the main site 4 days ago and am running it live CD on an old HPPAV: 800mhz, 512RAM with session particulars saved to a 4gb usb flashdrive. I am using the preloaded Seamonkey browser.

Everything setup normal, video etc. No prob. Except for PPM. When I tried to download the jre that shows up I get to "Test URL" I get a response at end of test: "Remote file exists & could contain further links, but recursion is disabled--not retrieving"

When I select "Download Packages" the end response is:"550 Failed to change directory. No such directory 'puppylinux/pet_packages-slacko?. I can't find anything in the ppm or general manuals that explain the meaning of these messages or how to "fix" them.

I tried a number of other available downloads with the same results.

My general computer experience is a 4 out of 10 and this is my first experience with any Linux product. This problem may well be covered in one of the infinite help/manual system. If so I don't recognize the true problem/answer or just haven't happened across the right manual. If this is the case just give me the exact reference to find it. I'll apologize in advance for my ignorance but after 3 days of searching I gave up and decided to ask for assistance.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Tue 29 Jan 2013, 20:11
by Semme
Hi BCS, and Welcome to Pup! Not knowing whether this was added to 5.4, here's my guess.

PPM Downloads Fail

Posted: Tue 29 Jan 2013, 20:44
by bcs
Seeme, Thanks for the quick reply. I just installed both ipv6-1 patch and patch ppm-2 which were in the thread you referenced. I restarted PPM and the results were unchanged. Do I need to reboot the entire session, possibly? Also I have the firewall installed and running under default settings - I should have said that first, probably. Is that a possible problem?

Thanks again.

Posted: Tue 29 Jan 2013, 20:58
by Semme
The firewall I doubt. When it comes to pkg installs, it's kind of a crapshoot so, yeah.. reboot.

PPM Downloads Fail

Posted: Tue 29 Jan 2013, 21:07
by bcs
Seeme, Sorry for the stupid question. It was easy enough and I tried both, reboot and firewall off. Neither had any effect.


Posted: Tue 29 Jan 2013, 21:20
by Semme
Remember, I only linked to the one file- I didn't mention both. When using logic- it's one adjustment :wink: at a time.

If your problem's not IPV6, the error suggests an issue with wgets`recusion depth level, as defined in one of Slacko's fetch scripts. Since I'm not running 5.4, I'll step aside'n leave the door open for someone who's familiar with those..

# ping 01micko

PPM Downloads Fail

Posted: Tue 29 Jan 2013, 21:35
by bcs
Semme, Thanks for the attempt. The linked thread you sent me to had both patches so I thought that is what you wanted. Should I try to uninstall one. If so which one? if not I'll stay as is for now.

Thanks again.

Posted: Tue 29 Jan 2013, 21:39
by Semme
Well, the Ziggy patch should've been cleared up. It probably won't make much difference whether you remove it or not.
550 Failed to change directory. No such directory 'puppylinux/pet_packages-slacko
Obviously something's throwing this error. If I can remember how to grep for it I'll certainly post..

PPM Downloads Fail

Posted: Tue 29 Jan 2013, 21:51
by bcs
Thanks again.


Posted: Tue 29 Jan 2013, 22:10
by Semme
So do these say four or six? Test_1, Test_2.

If you could, drag'n drop a copy of /usr/local/petget/ into you /root directory.

Rt-clk while there >> window >> terminal here >> issue: gzip

Then attach the ensuing gz'd extension file to your reply.

PPM Downloads Fail

Posted: Tue 29 Jan 2013, 23:28
by bcs
OK, both the tests returned IPV4. My petget/ was actually and I copied to the root "folder". Is that the root directory? I hope so. I got to the terminal and typed into terminal gzip the answer is: gzip: No such file or directory and when I change it to gzip the answer is: gzip command not found. I know I'm screwing up.


Posted: Tue 29 Jan 2013, 23:46
by Semme
:wink: <RELAX>

Don't mistake "/" << filesystem root and >> /root >> YOU, your users ~/ home.

Here's the idea >> keep two ROX filer windows open. One set: /root, or ~/

.. and one set / >> where the rest of the system files reside.

gzip's no doubt there. To see whether a file's in the directory you're trying to access, it's: ls -l

Shift >> page up / page dn to scroll.

To see what directory you're in, it's: pwd

PPM Downloads Fail

Posted: Wed 30 Jan 2013, 00:23
by bcs
OK I think I got it zipped and attached.

Thanks for your patience,

PPM Downloads Fail

Posted: Wed 30 Jan 2013, 16:16
by bcs

I made another mistake, we were working with PL- Slacko 5.3 not 5.4 as I initially reported! If you're ready to quit I wouldn't blame you.

Just as a reference I went back and burned a new ISO CD with PL/Slacko 5.4 (for real this time) and ran it live on another computer with a new flash drive to avoid any "X contamination" It was attached to the same wired router to my current ISP. I set it up to test everything you pointed me to above. All PPM failure modes and codes were the same. The two tests you had me run above came back again with IPv4 instead of IPv6 and I am attaching the corresponding zipped file from the real 5.4 session. I will put this 5.4v away now until this is resolved when I intend to install it over the 5.3v for future use, I'm not trying to get ahead of myself but it seems the problem is not with the particular version of PPM.

Posted: Wed 30 Jan 2013, 17:04
by Semme
I was just looking at this and shaking my head as to why your files checksum was different from mine?

Now it makes sense.

Here's what you can do.. Boot the new 5.4 on the box 5.3's installed.

When the opening splash screen presents itself, type: puppy pfix=ram

Let it load, handle the trivial details, then open PPM and try'n download something: vbetools

Let us know if she works.

If not- it's probably your routers configuration..

PPM Downloads Fail

Posted: Wed 30 Jan 2013, 17:20
by bcs

Copy all. I will do the upgrade over my original slacko-save files. I hate to be dense but what exactly constitutes the "opening splash screen"? - just so I don't miss it during the boot.


Posted: Wed 30 Jan 2013, 18:06
by Semme
This first screen you see after BIOS. Did PPM work in 5.4?

No? Can you dwnld this pkg with your browser?

Yes? Copy'n paste (left'n right buttons in unison) this line into your console:

Code: Select all

.. then open *file* on your desktop. Is vbetool-1.1-i486-1.txz there?

And as for an upgrade, you can probably do this from a live boot..

PPM Downloads Fail

Posted: Wed 30 Jan 2013, 19:16
by bcs
OK, I got the pupfix=ram command entered on the splash page. I got 5.4 running and PPM still doesn't work. Same as before. I was able to download the vbe tool from the browser, Firefox now, and I saved it to ~root. I entered the script you included to the console and the vbetool is unpacked, in ~root. Do I need to move it to the desktop before I open it? As far as eliminating the extra old sfs file in my flash drive is that something I should do before proceeding?


Posted: Wed 30 Jan 2013, 19:24
by Semme
No, that pkg isn't for you.. not to install anyways. It was merely a dwnld check.

If you wouldn't mind deleting that pkg in /root and re-running my codeline.

We're checking to see that wget isn't somehow blocked.

As for your flash drive.. you went with *which* installer- Boot Flash or Universal?

PPM Downloads Fail

Posted: Wed 30 Jan 2013, 20:48
by bcs
Ok the vbe package is removed. Which code do you want run again? wget ... i486-1.txz? I don't remember Boot Flash or Universal being an option