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Simple Screen Recorder

Posted: Thu 26 Feb 2015, 07:32
by l0wt3ch
This is a great screencast app, much better than any other I have tried on Linux.

Hopefully it doesn't need any special dependencies, because I have so many apps installed already it's hard to know.


Posted: Fri 27 Feb 2015, 07:38
by ebisu

Posted: Fri 27 Feb 2015, 08:12
by l0wt3ch
ebisu wrote:What a lame excuse. Your great app doesn't work. Missing:
Ok, I'll just take it down then.

Posted: Sat 28 Feb 2015, 07:28
by greengeek
I'm keen to try it as is - any current link? cheers

Posted: Sat 28 Feb 2015, 09:52
by l0wt3ch
Ok, just for you greengeek. The link is working again.

Apparently it needs some dependencies, though...

Posted: Sat 28 Feb 2015, 19:43
by greengeek
Thanks! Works well for me on my Slacko 5.6 derivative. Its not a box-standard Slacko 5.6 so I may well have extra libs loaded from other additional programmes that allow SSR to run fine.

I did get some error messages at the start but it didnt prevent SSR running:

Code: Select all

# simplescreenrecorder
Unable to load library icui18n "Cannot load library icui18n: ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)" 
QGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme.
Could not load system translator. 
==================== SSR started ====================
SimpleScreenRecorder 0.3.3
Compiled with GCC 4.7.1
Qt: header 4.8.2, lib 4.8.2
libavformat: header 55.19.104, lib 55.12.100
libavcodec: header 55.39.100, lib 55.18.102
libavutil: header 52.48.100, lib 52.38.100
libswscale: header 2.5.101, lib 2.3.100
[CPUFeatures::Detect] CPU features: mmx sse sse2 sse3 ssse3
[ALSAInput::GetSourceList] Generating source list ...
[ALSAInput::GetSourceList] Found card: [hw:0] HDA Intel
[ALSAInput::GetSourceList] Found device: [hw:0,0] HDA Intel: ALC268 Analog
The only issue I had is when I wanted to stop recording I couldn't find a 'stop recording' button - only the 'pause recording' button. Anyway - that worked fine instead of a stop button and the video had saved properly so all good here. Even had sound! Nice addition - cheers 10wt3ch!

Posted: Sat 28 Feb 2015, 20:03
by Semme
l0wt3ch, you covered yourself just fine. :wink:

To think we all should boot a pristine environment to know these things is ridiculous.
I have so many apps installed already it's hard to know.

Posted: Sun 01 Mar 2015, 03:20
by l0wt3ch
@greengeek: You're welcome!

@Semme: Thanks!

Posted: Sun 01 Mar 2015, 17:09
by greengeek
I did a bit more testing with an unmodified Slacko 5.6 booted from CD (no savefile) and found SSR wouldn't run due to missing libs. Turned out my derivative runs because I have Skype installed and it contains the libs needed by SSR.

I had previously made a pet containing those libs and if anyone wants it you can download it here
(Mentioned in thread here)

It contains approx 40MB of libs that were necessary for Skype, but one of the files in there ( is 24MB and doesn't seem to be necessary for SSR so can be removed after pet installation (find it in /usr/lib). (I don't know if this lib is needed for any of the fancy functions of SSR - I just did basic recording without any fancy changes to the gui settings)

Bear in mind that the pet was made for Slacko 5.6 so may not be suitable for use on other Puppies.

Posted: Sun 08 Mar 2015, 17:29
by l0wt3ch
Good job, greengeek!

Posted: Mon 01 Jun 2015, 22:17
by Keef
This is the culprit:

Compiles on TahrPup easily as it has needed QT libs and other deps as standard. I did have to use '--without-pulseaudio --without-jack', as they are missing. Runs without devx installed.
Video capture seems to work well, but not able to test sound as laptop has no built-in mike, and I don't have one to plug in (so I won't upload a pet). I'm sure somebody who can test it more thoroughly will be able to oblige.

Replace Drec dpuprec (2009)

Posted: Wed 22 Jul 2015, 00:28
by Pelo
Links made to drec dpuprec old software by gposil here (no Qt needed)
Sure SSR works fine when installed (Tahrpup and Vividpup).
my video made with SSR Vividpup 6.5 can be seen here, Sure i would be glad to use this tool on older puppies.
Slacko 5.9.3 Screencastrecorder fine too, just install greengeek pet and the two Qt librairies needed ( or better symlink them to /usr/lib)

SSR simplescreenrecorder and Qt

Posted: Wed 26 Aug 2015, 13:56
by Pelo
SSR simplescreenrecorder tested in Vivid 6.5. I agree that is the best tool for a screencast of a part of screen (Xvidcap can be moved from place to place during pause).
I don't install QT libs on each Puppy. They are stored in a Qt repository in may Hard Disk linux partition (Sda3) and i use startmount to make this partition mounted at boot. I just symlink them when an application like Simple Screen Recorder, Symphytum, Vokoscreen and so on need them.

Qt will never make my Puppies big :)
Starmount here

here is the Debian Package For Tahrpup 6.0.2

Posted: Thu 27 Aug 2015, 07:04
by Pelo
I Got it, here is the Debian Package, no dependencies needed on tahrpup.

Posted: Thu 27 Aug 2015, 07:25
by mcewanw
Hi Pelo,

Looking at the Simple Screen Recorder website only, but I have to say the progam looks great. Very nice design. Pity it uses QT and not GTK in the sense that I try to avoid having to install QT libraries, but that's just a choice really.

I'm tempted to copy the interface in a new program, but why bother when SSR is already available. I hope it works as good as it looks.


Simple Screen Recorder tested Precise Puppy

Posted: Thu 27 Aug 2015, 08:05
by Pelo
Packages Debian available, so no need to compile ( that's a chance, no devx to load, and ... i don't know how to do).
SimpleScreeRecorder is a Qt application. So you need to link the two libraries concerned.
Post-Scriptum : I store a set of Qt libs in my computer, avoiding so increase pupsave size.
:evil: When our Puppies developers will include Qt libraries in the distro instead of 3D ones (useless) life will be better for everybody !
" I try to avoid having to install QT libraries, but that's just a choice really. " mcewanw says. No need to install them in each Puppy, just symlink what is needed.

Posted: Thu 03 Sep 2015, 11:45
by mcewanw
Yes, Simple Screen Recorder is the best such app I've tried. Using it in MintPup. Great program.


EDIT: As the author of the program says, this program is designed to be 'Simple' to use, but in terms of underlying program complexity, this is an amazing piece of work. I took a look at the source code and it amazes me someone can write something as tricky as this - its right up there with the likes of mplayer and vlc in terms of coding complexity, but the user interface makes it so easy to use - wonderful work really.

all screencast apps were missing something, not SSR

Posted: Tue 22 Sep 2015, 01:56
by Pelo
I am very satisfied by SSR :) all screencast apps were missing something, not SSR... :( but it needs Qt..
demo, video to be improved
Hum, typewriters don't hesitate to load LIbreoffice ! if you prefer a video tnan an hundred of pages of text, Qt MBs would be a good deal. And much less than 350MBs, perharps fourty, in fact 18 ! And non speaking english people will have a to understand the subject.

Why people still ask for screencast recorder apps ?

Posted: Sat 14 May 2016, 08:23
by Pelo
Why people still ask for screencast recorder apps ? perhaps desktop is not the best section, Multimedia would be better, no doubt about that.
Linux students will take a real pleasure typing some code in terminal, but newbies from windows would prefer a lot to use ready for use (and nice) applications

Posted: Thu 04 Aug 2016, 19:39
by greengeek
meownplanet still seems down so the download link in first post is dead. Alternative download link here: ...

and smaller missing libs pet for Slacko 5.6 (also works on 5.7) here: ...