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Lightest Puppy-5-based derivative?

Posted: Fri 15 Apr 2011, 16:46
by darkstrike
Random question to ask the Puppy forum crew:

I've been scanning the many Puppy derivative threads looking at light distros, and many of the lighter distros are based on Puppy 4, and some are based on older Puppy versions still (2.14x for example) I love the speed of these older distros, and I have 2.14x dual-booted with Wary atm on one of my old tinkering systems, but I was curious...

...I love the ability in Puppy5 to be able to use Ubuntu and Debian packages when I need to, so what are your recommendations for any light Puppy 5 distros? I don't just mean light as in less applications installed from the get-go, I'm talking performance-wise?

Cheers! :)

Re: Lightest Puppy-5-based derivative?

Posted: Fri 15 Apr 2011, 19:57
by RetroTechGuy
darkstrike wrote:Random question to ask the Puppy forum crew:

I've been scanning the many Puppy derivative threads looking at light distros, and many of the lighter distros are based on Puppy 4, and some are based on older Puppy versions still (2.14x for example) I love the speed of these older distros, and I have 2.14x dual-booted with Wary atm on one of my old tinkering systems, but I was curious...

...I love the ability in Puppy5 to be able to use Ubuntu and Debian packages when I need to, so what are your recommendations for any light Puppy 5 distros? I don't just mean light as in less applications installed from the get-go, I'm talking performance-wise?

Cheers! :)
Wary? ... ry-510.htm ... /wary-5.1/

Posted: Fri 15 Apr 2011, 20:54
by darkstrike
Thanks, I am actually trying that now, but I was curious if there was a Puppy 5 based distro that was very stripped down out there, a la TurboPup or 2.14x style?

Posted: Fri 15 Apr 2011, 21:03
by nooby

Posted: Fri 15 Apr 2011, 21:18
by darkstrike
Hi nooby,

Thanks for the suggestion. I actually JUST found, downloaded and tried running that on my machine just before I read your post....looks promising, but does Lupu Lite have xvesa? The video card on this machine is only an on-board 2mb ATi 3D Rage unit, and although xorg technically WORKS, it's rather....not sure how to put it....stutter-y...uh...jumpy / twitchy?

Best to explain it like this; to use an old bit of technology as an know what tapes playing from your VCR used to look like on your TV when the tracking was off slightly? You could still watch whatever it was and make stuff out easily, but it sort-of twitched slightly to the side or up and down every once in awhile...? Yeah...that's what xorg is seeming to do in Lupu Lite on this machine...still legible and readable, but it randomly twitches annoyingly left/right every few seconds.

If there is a way to use xvesa on Lupu Lite though and somebody can tell me how to switch it over, I could gladly give it a try again. I glanced in the menus though and didn't see anything about xvesa settings...?

Posted: Sat 16 Apr 2011, 10:21
by cthisbear

This might work...although I haven't tried Lupu Lite.


Posted: Tue 21 May 2013, 06:14
by ABNormal
the lightest puppy i've found is TURBO PUP EXTREME it's a great great work
the only problem is that it has been abandoned (in a 1.0 version by the way) since 2010.

Posted: Tue 21 May 2013, 16:36
by partsman
Try giving AKITA a try its based on turbo pup and should work well for you ! I think you will be suprised !

Barebones 501 download link

Posted: Tue 21 May 2013, 18:57
by oligin10
Here you go. Looks to be a valid download link. Just under 92mb. Thanks, Rob ... d-5.01.iso

Sorry, just reread your post. Thought you meant smallest download. Please disregard. Thanks, Rob

light puppy 5

Posted: Fri 24 May 2013, 10:47
by Volhout
try google for browser linux

Posted: Fri 24 May 2013, 17:14
by dancytron