PeasyWiFi - a reliable WiFi connection manager

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PeasyWiFi - a reliable WiFi connection manager

#1 Post by rcrsn51 »

Update: PWF v4.3 adds a "one-time-connect" feature to access a WPA2-encrypted network without having to make a profile. There is a new OTC button on the Profile page under the list of discovered APs.

Update: PWF v4.1 makes a significant internal change. It removes dhcpcd as the DHCP client program in favour of Busybox udhcpc. Udhcpc is less intrusive and may eliminate connection problems. Thank you to Marv for his help with this.

V4.1 also modifies the PWF Config, so the PET installer deletes the current file. A new one will be created on the next run of PWF. In particular, note the new TRIES=5 setting. Increase it if you have trouble connecting to a slow DHCP server.

Update: If you regularly switch your computer between Ethernet and WiFi, or if you need both interfaces simultaneously connected, you should make PWF your primary network manager. The PET installer gives you this option. See the instructions at the end of this post for disabling the other managers. Then read here.

Update: Some new Puppies have the annoying habit of changing their WiFi interface names, like when you move a Puppy install to different hardware or if you plug in a different USB adapter. In PWF, this is not a problem - just click the I/F button to see the new name, then update your Config.

But the same thing can happen with Ethernet interfaces - eth0 may get renamed as eth1. PWF v4.2 adds a new I/F button to the Ethernet page that lists your current wired devices. Read here for more information about this issue. Also, the following update:

Update: PWF v4.4 has a new Names button in the Ethernet section. PWF can recognize three network interfaces at a time: two wired and one wireless. Their standard names are eth0, eth1 and wlan0. But there are situations where those standard names don't work. Your system may be using the new "predictable-but-cryptic" names like enp5s0. Or your WiFi connection may be a USB dongle that identifies as the Ethernet device usb0. The Names tool lets you assign these names.

After changing the names, go back to the Ethernet section and re-configure the ports. Then reconnect to the Internet.


PeasyWifi is a WiFi connection manager. It is a front-end for the command line procedures discussed here and may work better for you than other Puppy networking tools. Look for it in the system tray (the green "bars" icon) and in the Network menu.

Please click the Help button. It has important information about your PeasyWiFi configuration file.

Read here for more detailed instructions.


Users with old Puppies or small displays can run PWF from the desktop instead of the tray.

1. Drag /usr/share/applications/peasywifi.desktop onto the desktop.
2. Use Right-click > Edit Item to change the title.

Also, read here about an update needed by some old Puppies.


PWF v2.4 can build profiles for enterprise networks like eduroam using PEAP. Read the discussion here and here.


PWF v2.5 can assign a static IP address to your WiFi adapter. This may be useful if you have an unstable network or hardware that experiences dropouts. See the instructions here.


PWF v3.2 has a tool for WiFi neighbourhoods where multiple cells use the same SSID name. See the discussion here.


If you have problems with irregular connections or dropouts, the simplest solution may be to run stay-connected. If that fails, try the command "iwconfig wlan0 power off". There are also reports that a rate reduction will work with "iwconfig eth1 rate 1M". If one of these works for you, make an auto-connect script in /root/Startup and add the command.

For iwlwifi adapters, see the hint here.

There is a report that setting "ap_scan=2" in your xxx.conf profile may help with some adapters.


How to get rid of Frisbee or SNS

Run the command: chmod -x /etc/init.d/frisbee (or
Open the folder /etc/simple_network_setup and delete any files in it.
Open the file /usr/local/bin/defaultconnect. Change it to "exec peasywifi". Some managers will try to change it back!

Updated 2018-06-24
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Updated 2017-08-03
New Names tool for assigning network device names
Some files relocated
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Last edited by rcrsn51 on Tue 26 Jun 2018, 18:43, edited 212 times in total.


#2 Post by gcmartin »

I offer that you change the "Passphrase field" header on the "Encrypt Tab" to read 'Read the Help on the Connect tab'. Minor, but, we know new user oversights.

Nice touch.

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#3 Post by rcrsn51 »

Making suggestions about the UI does not constitute a test report.

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#4 Post by rcrsn51 »

PeasyWiFi v1.5 is posted above. Please read the update notes before installing.

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#5 Post by greengeek »

My test results so far based on v1.4 pet:

slacko 5.3.3t
Worked perfectly (once I realised how to use it properly)

Worked perfectly

Worked perfectly

Everything went without a hitch except for me not having noticed the Help button for the help file (or the "Read the help" sign, or the big arrow pointing to the "Help" button :? ). I started by clicking on 'scan' and it said "Interface wlan0 is not active" (It is eth1 on my PC). Then I read the help file (should have done this first) and saw the note re using I/F button to confirm what my wifi interface is called. Sure enough the I/F button offers the clues by listing the valid interfaces. Opened root/.peasywifi and corrected the "export interface" to eth1. Clicked "Profile", added required details, and clicked "Make". Restarted Peasywifi as requested and it automatically showed my network profile name listed, clicked "Connect" and it hooked up correctly.

Suggestions and comments:
1) Just as a matter of interest i noticed that /root/.peasywifi does not appear until after peasywifi is first started (in other words it is not loaded by the .pet, but created by the firstrun of peasywifi - not a problem, it just confused me for a moment).
1) Could possibly add a button to the gui to restart itself after the "Make" is done.
2) Maybe make it possible for the gui to automatically guess whether the appropriate interface is ethx or wlanx.

I will be watching this pet with interest - I have a good use for it in mind. The autostart function of v1.5 sounds good - I will do some more testing.

EDIT - should have mentioned these tests were all on live CD boots (no savefiles)

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#6 Post by rcrsn51 »

Thank you for testing. This is exactly what I need.
Just as a matter of interest i noticed that /root/.peasywifi does not appear until after peasywifi is first started (in other words it is not loaded by the .pet, but created by the firstrun of peasywifi - not a problem, it just confused me for a moment).
Good idea. I will add this in the next version.
Could possibly add a button to the gui to restart itself after the "Make" is done.
I spent some time on this issue. The problem is that the drop-down Profiles list cannot be updated on-the-fly in Gtkdialog3. You must re-run the program. (This may be possible in the new version.) Since you already have a button on the system tray, it seemed just as easy to restart the program that way instead of adding another button to the UI. I will give this some more thought.
Maybe make it possible for the gui to automatically guess whether the appropriate interface is ethx or wlanx.
I would like to do this, but I don't know how to tell if eth1 is a Wifi interface or a second ethernet port. The problem with automatic guessing is that the program will eventually guess wrong. Picking the right interface is important.


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#7 Post by Marv »

Test result based on version 1.5:

Carolina 1.2 (with Battleshooters 3.15 kernel). Disabled frisbee, rebooted, ran v1.5 to create /root/.peasywifi. Edited it to reflect the correct interface (eth0), made a WPA2 profile with my ssid and passphrase and connected. Fast and clean.

Only hitch I see so far is that you have to know your ssid. Would it be possible for the scan to show both open and encrypted available networks? I'm going to take the laptop to a friends house and test it on their rather problematic wireless later and I'll have to use Frisbee or SNS to get the ssid as it stands now (as I see it.. or did I miss something?).

If it connects there I'll make a joyful noise :)
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#8 Post by rcrsn51 »

Thanks for testing. This is helpful.
Marv wrote:Only hitch I see so far is that you have to know your ssid. Would it be possible for the scan to show both open and encrypted available networks? I'm going to take the laptop to a friends house and test it on their rather problematic wireless later and I'll have to use Frisbee or SNS to get the ssid as it stands now (as I see it.. or did I miss something?)
Here is my position on this issue. If you don't know the SSID, then you won't know the passphrase either. So your friend still has to provide you with some information. It's just a question of being one piece of information or two.

Frisbee or SNS may give you the SSID, but they won't let you connect without the passphrase.

Personally, when I scan for a public WiFi site, I don't want to get a long list of every other protected or hidden site in the neighbourhood.
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#9 Post by peebee »

Hi rcrsn51

Tested on my HP550 laptop with Broadcom wifi.

I too would like a Scan button to show all wifi signals in the neighbourhood...possibly in addition rather than replacing the current scan/show only open networks?

I also prefer an indication on boot that a wifi signal has been successfully acquired like Frisbee gives (optionally).

Not quite sure what the USP is for peasywifi - its a nice addition to the Puppy wifi armoury but may confuse newcomers who are already confused by the 3 current contenders - but it could maybe replace sns if it scanned and displayed all available signals??

Worked fine and established a wpa2 connection once I'd used sns to tell me what my ssid was :?

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#10 Post by rcrsn51 »

peebee wrote:I too would like a Scan button to show all wifi signals in the neighbourhood...possibly in addition rather than replacing the current scan/show only open networks?
Sorry, but that's not going to happen. It you want lots of irrelevant (IMHO) information then use another tool.
I also prefer an indication on boot that a wifi signal has been successfully acquired like Frisbee gives (optionally).
Here is the problem with that feature. People sometimes complain that a connection tool auto-detects a DIFFERENT network than their own because it has a stronger signal. PeasyWifi will let you auto-connect into your OWN network at startup. You get to make the decisions, not the connection tool.
Worked fine and established a wpa2 connection once I'd used sns to tell me what my ssid was
So you know your passphrase from memory but not your own SSID ? :wink:

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#11 Post by greengeek »

peebee wrote:Not quite sure what the USP is for peasywifi - its a nice addition to the Puppy wifi armoury but may confuse newcomers who are already confused by the 3 current contenders
I do see a very useful application for this utility - I would like to be able to preconfigure Puppy wifi for friends who I cannot visit - so I have no way of running a scan. Peasy potentially gives me a way of manually 'building' the exact profile I need, and autostarting it. (Like using the accuracy and control of the commandline, but with the convenience of a GUI).

Furthermore, there might be the possibility of changing Peasy to read the important parameters from a text file (which is one of my long term aims). If that were the case, my preconfiguration would consist of providing a text file containing the following:

Choice of Open/WEP/WPA/WPA2
Wifi adapter identification info (eg eth1 or wlan0)

If this were possible I would only need to coach my friend to find the appropriate info and I can guarantee building the right parameters and functionality into Puppy before I post them the CD.

Already, using Peasy in it's current form, the only information I lack is the ethx/wlanx parameter - and that is not a huge barrier to overcome.

I have wondered previously if it might be possible to use the MAC address of a wifi adapter instead of the ethx or wlanx designation. If that were the case all required parameters could be preconfigured.

I will do some more testing with v1.5

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#12 Post by Marv »

rcrsn51 wrote: Sorry, but that's not going to happen. It you want lots of irrelevant (IMHO) information then use another tool.


So you know your passphrase from memory but not your own SSID ? :wink:
Actually, yes. CenturyFink just changed/foobarred up the friends connection and I do indeed know the password but not the new ssid. That said, peasyWIFI did an excellent job of connecting there once I supplied the information (using SNS). Overall I too see the value of a simple good tool. Just would like to avoid calling on another tool to fill in the chinks.
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#13 Post by rcrsn51 »

When you scanned using SNS, how did you know which SSID was your friend's and which was some nearby access point? Or did you have to guess?

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#14 Post by robwoj44 »

Polish translation for peasywifi-1.5
polish translation for peasywifi
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#15 Post by Marv »

rcrsn51 wrote:When you scanned using SNS, how did you know which SSID was your friend's and which was some nearby access point? Or did you have to guess?
Next nearest access point is 5 to 8 miles away so no guessing. Typical for where we live. SSID was also set up as their road and fire number but it has a lot of digits which I don't usually remember.

Edit: I doublechecked and it is only about 3 miles to the nearest access point but through very hilly country. At my house, on the edge of our small town, I generally see about 3, all of which I know, with only mine with enough signal to really use.
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#16 Post by rcrsn51 »

OK. I am yielding to peer pressure on this issue and adding a "Search" tab. Its only function is to scan for all visible networks. The only thing you can do with the list is copy-and-paste an SSID into a profile.
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#17 Post by peebee »

rcrsn51 wrote:So you know your passphrase from memory but not your own SSID ? :wink:
Sure do :)

I know my SSID to recognize it when I see it but don't remember its exact format as I never type it....
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#18 Post by greengeek »

Just tried v1.6 using both WPA and WPA2 and it worked well. The scan feature is useful - I had forgotten that my WPA2 profile had a space character in it so I couldn't connect initially till I ran the scan to confirm the SSID and corrected my typo.

Automatic restart after boot worked too.

While I was testing the auto restart I was thinking it would be nice to have a button to allow selection of the "restart profile" rather than manually typing the profile name into /root/Startup/peasywifi_auto. (So there could be an extra button attached to the "Select a wifi profile" field as follows: 'Connect', 'Disconnect', and 'Choose auto' or 'Set as auto').

And maybe also a tickbox to say "enable peasywifi_auto' (untick to disable).

I do like this utility (I never really felt in control of Frisbee...)

EDIT : While I was testing the connection that had been established by the autostart I decided to disconnect it, then connect again. However - it did not reconnect to the profile specified in the /root/Startup/peasywifi_auto file, instead it connected to the profile specified in the main peasywifi window. This is obviously expected behaviour, but just a trap for young players. If you are manually connecting and disconnecting make sure you choose the appropriate profile and don't expect the autostart to kick back in until the next reboot or restart X.

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#19 Post by rcrsn51 »

greengeek wrote:While I was testing the auto restart I was thinking it would be nice to have a button to allow selection of the "restart profile" rather than manually typing the profile name into /root/Startup/peasywifi_auto.
Done. There is now a separate Auto screen for setting up auto-connection. It still uses the file /root/Startup/peasywifi_auto, but creates it for you.

You will also notice the new "eth0" button. It kills the Wifi connection and re-enables your wired Ethernet port. I originally added this for testing purposes, but it may have a larger use.

The standard Puppy network managers like SNS control both wired Ethernet and WiFi. But all Puppies now auto-connect eth0 at bootup. So you would only need SNS to do a re-connection (I think).

If PeasyWiFi can do this for you, it might completely replace SNS. This would need more discussion.

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#20 Post by Marv »

Thanks for listening to the squeaky wheels. Version 1.7 tested from pristine install of Carolina 1.2 and working well. It is the only net manager that has correctly modprobed the lib80211_crypt_ccmp and lib80211_crypt_tkip libs on its own for the ipw2200 drivers. That card/driver can do WPA2 but usually is seen as non-WPA2. I do need the dropwait option for that card so have added it into your pet with the initial value in /root/.peasywifi set at 0. Pretty simple to do, I can upload the modded pet if you wish.

Thanks again.
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